Anyone recently quit smoking?


New member
Sep 20, 2004
Anyone ever hear of somebody trying to smoke the patch??? Considering the guy in a different post that was smoking crack while his car sank in a lake, these question doesn't seem too far fetched.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
Angelle's problem is not smoking. It's her health and possibly her self-control. Guess what you will find out in 5-10 more years about the "patch" and Zyban. People think that just because the govm't approves something that it is actually safe. A lot of people that quit smoking keep carrots around. 1. it helps with the oral fixation 2. Beta Carotene is probably the strongest anti-oxidant in regards to killing mutations caused by cigarette smoke. One of my points is that it's just never a good idea for anyone to become dependent on anything, switching from cigarettes to the patch does what good for her HEALTH issues? What I'm saying is that the patch is basically just as bad for you as smoking...from a health standpoint.

Huck, Champion makes high quality juicers. There are others, I'll try to find a website. By just drinking a couple glasses of carrot juice a day, and taking a couple teaspoons of barley green the health improvements are usually quick and dramatic. The "patch" and Zyban will NOT improve one's health ONE BIT, both are toxic and promote aging and holistic decline.

New member
Sep 1, 2002
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by ATX:
Angelle's problem is not smoking. It's her health and possibly her self-control. Guess what you will find out in 5-10 more years about the "patch" and Zyban. People think that just because the govm't approves something that it is actually safe. A lot of people that quit smoking keep carrots around. 1. it helps with the oral fixation 2. Beta Carotene is probably the strongest anti-oxidant in regards to killing mutations caused by cigarette smoke. One of my points is that it's just never a good idea for anyone to become dependent on anything, switching from cigarettes to the patch does what good for her HEALTH issues? What I'm saying is that the patch is basically just as bad for you as smoking...from a health standpoint.

Huck, Champion makes high quality juicers. There are others, I'll try to find a website. By just drinking a couple glasses of carrot juice a day, and taking a couple teaspoons of barley green the health improvements are usually quick and dramatic. The "patch" and Zyban will NOT improve one's health ONE BIT, both are toxic and promote aging and holistic decline. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>


You are correct that Zyban and the nicotine patch are not good for you. What you are dismissing, however, is that the use of the patch and Zyban for six weeks is minimaly invasive as opposed to a lifetime of smoking. I would offer that even during that six week period a person is better of health-wise with the patch and Zyban vs. smoking cigarettes.

The many smoke-free and patch-free and Zyban-free years to follow are the real issue. Any harm done by using the patch and Zyban for six weeks will be far out-weighed by the years of no tar, no nicotine, no carbon monoxide and no God knows-what-else is in cigarettes. Obviously the patch and Zyban would not be a good thing long-term.

I submit, however, the greater harm is in a person stopping the patch and Zyban too soon, thinking they have beat their addiction. This is easy to do and has happened to a few people I know. It is extremely important to stay the course with the patch, especially, as it allows one to wean oneself off the highly addictive nicotine while also ridding oneself of the habit of reaching for a cigarette in certain situations.

Please don't take from this discussion that I don't think your method could work. It has merit and is excellent advice. It's just that a lot of people are not inclined to eat carrots and search for their "inner selves."

As to Angelle's specific situation, it seems to me that she thinks smoking is detrimental to her specific degree of health. She seems to be interested in quitting smoking and is reaching out for suggestions. That is the only reason for my original response.


New member
Sep 20, 2004
I caught on a cold on Sunday morning on way home from Laughlin...I smoked a pack of Camels or Marb reds a day..

Monday-Wednesday I had three cigs each day

Today I have had none and won't cause I'm heading for bed. The hardest thing for me right now is trying to think of something else to do while driving instead of liting up. I have been using about four pieces.Gone thru 3 packs of regular gum and I have been drinking more fluids than normal but am determined to kick this habit.

Have been smoking for about 14 years. Saturday is the real test though....Tee off at 12:20....

One day at a time.....

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