Anyone recently quit smoking?


New member
Feb 4, 2003
I quit a few years ago. Back on the train now but that is a different story

It is 100% mental. I was "cutting down" in anticipation of quitting...thought I could ease into it. Ended up going almost all day without a smoke and just said fuck it, I made it that long, may as well keep going. Cold turkey works if you are 100% ready for it.

Change of scenery will help. When I quit I had just left college, would never have been able to quit before that because of all the hanging out at bars and paryting. When I left town and got a job, I wasn't around the same temptations as before and that made it a lot easier.

Make having a smoke tough...don't smoke in your apartment. This helps because if you have to get up and walk someplace to have a smoke a lot of times you will be too lazy to do it. Same with work, etc. I never smoke outside my work place, I make myself go for a walk. Again, make it hard to have one.

Change brands, try the cheapest shit you can find. It will taste bad and help you in cutting down/quitting. You won't want them as much if it's not your normal brand.

Exercise will help, lots of water. The patch, gum, etc is very good if you can afford it. Get a recommendation from your doctor.

If you find someone to quit with, that will also help. Puts more pressure on you to not "let them down" and you will feel guilty about not sticking to your plan when you feel the urge to "cheat".

Also check out these links:


surgeon general

Amer. Lung Assoc.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Thank you so much guys.

My old excuse was that I didn't want to gain weight. Well now I have lost too much weight and trying to gain some back. So that is out. I basically have run out of excuses and I just know better.

Drunk the not smoking in the house is a good idea. I generally try to keep to that only because I hate the way stale smoke smells. YUCK.

Anyway, thanks for all of the great advice. I will keep ya'll posted as how I am doing. LOL I know I will have to cut back at least. I will not have time to smoke. I am taking 22 hours this semester so I can finally get out.
Example of my typical Tues will be.. class from 1 - 9:15 with a total break of 30 mins. YUCK!

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I was a huge smoker back in the day. Welbutrin 150 to 200 mg´s worked wonders. When on that, people couldn´t get me to smoke for 10k. Doctors do say that it is used for smoking, but i used it for panic attacks along with lexipro. Good luck, i hope this may help.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
I used to be on lexipro..
HAd bad effects on me.

I also have panic attacks. I use xanax though, and founf out that many of my problems with anxiety are actually heart related. I will have to ask about Welbutrin for my panic attacks instead of xanax if it helps with smoking.

I am dead tired. I am going to bed


New member
Sep 21, 2004
I strongly advise against any use of drugs to "quit". It will just make you dependent on another thing.

Dont think of it as "quitting" smoking. You arent quitting anything. You are STARTING THE NEXT DAY OF YOUR LIFE. You wont always have the chance to start. I have helped countless people lose tons of weight, recover from deathly drug addictions, and kick learning disabilities. It's not really that hard at all, it's just a matter of getting people to think for themselves and not adhere to the BULLSHIT that doctors and pharmaceutical companies WANT YOU TO BELIEVE. I still party like a madman, but I go through intense periods of training every couple of years to take the years back off. As you age, your body oxidizes (rusts) and you can cripple the aging process with simple strategy. It's a holistic approach, it's not about just quitting smoking, but about achieving optimal health, which is what you need because of the state of your cardiovascular system.

Dont get overwhelmed. Just take small steps forward each day, soon you will feel so good you wont want to stop. I'll try to put some more stuff together either in this thread or in Green Dobermans in the offshore forum. My mom
Sep 21, 2004

i was born with a congenital heart condition so i never tried that or drinkin (which is why i gamble i guess) but maybe if every time u wanna smoke just open a thing of raisins or chips or some shit to keep you busy (use fruit so u dont gain 700lbs)

I don't know enough to know I don't know
Sep 21, 2004

So many great points here from Drunkguy, Country Dick Montana, and especially ATX. The best single piece of advice I can offer is, you can’t just quit smoking. You need to quit a lifestyle. You need to change everything not just one thing. Eating habits, exercise, being aware of all the triggers that instigate the want for a cigarette.

I weighed well over 200 pounds, (I’m 6’ 2”), and my lifestyle consisted of a three packs a day, a bag of Chips Ahoy and a easy chair to watch four consecutive football games. I felt like crap. I would be out of breath walking up a flight of stairs. Long story short….as they say in AA…I finally got sick and tired of being sick and tired.

I put the Chips Ahoy down with the cigarettes. Got up off the chair, turned the TV off and started with a small step out the door, (both figuratively and literally). Every day I grew stronger. One step at a time. If I just tried to quit smoking without changing my entire lifestyle it never would have worked.

Today I’m proud to say it’s been 13 years since my last, I’m fit enough that I’m a marathon runner, and I’ve never been more blessed in my life.

Good Luck Angelle

New member
Sep 20, 2000
I've quit for over 2 years.I use nicorette chewing gum and Commit nicotine lozenges.

Your only supposed to use it for 6 weeks but fxck ain't smoking.

Some people have used the gum for 10 years or better.
It sucks you have to get use to it but you had to get use to smoking too.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Thanks so much guys..
I think I will try the lifestyle change.

I am at the age were I am ready for a change anyway.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
OMG Angelle~

Funny how you started this topic on the VERY day I decided to "try" and quit smoking. Sunday was my last day that I had a cig. It's been really really hard to quit. I don't have any advice for you but i can tell you to just keep reminding yourself how bad the smokes are for you. Everytime I see an older person with that "cough" I think how I'm going to turn out if i continue to smoke.

I'M ON MY THIRD DAY W/O SMOKING and I can tell you it's a real bitch. but I'm going forward and hopefully will be able to kick my habit.

i hope your able to stop and your health matters "clear" up. Bye~

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Congrats on 3 days without...

You have gone 3 more than me.
I cut back a little...

OK thats it..
If you can do it so can I
Sep 20, 2004
perhaps the most tempting thing in the world is being around people that are smoking when you are trying to quit. I've quit twice in my life, once my girlfriend made me quit. She wouldn't put out if I had been smoking. That made my decision pretty easy. I recently picked up smoking again because I was stressed out at work and a lot of my co-workers were smokers. I quit that job, and just quit smoking, again. It's been about a week now... I've tried to stay away from people in general so I wouldn't be tempted to bum a smoke off 'em, plus in my mind I thought to myself that I was going to commit myself to quitting, no excuses. Don't be a wimp.

I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999
one more thing

you have to set yourself a reward when you reach your goal

when you stop smoking - and then stay that way for, say, 3 months - do something to reward yourself. as for where to get the money - the money you woulda spent on cigarettes will go a long way towards your reward.

New member
Mar 20, 2003
cycle of self development

only you can decide "you" truley "want" to quit
you have to have a mentor and friend that can
keep tabs on you in your tough times and last but not least it is hard not to smoke when you
are socially drinking: what the hell, i'll have
one! good luck, ga

New member
Sep 1, 2002
Hi Angelle!

Having quit smoking on January 15, 2000, I think I might be able to offer a few suggestions. First, you have to decide whether you want to be a smoker or a non-smoker. If you truly want to be a non-smoker you can never again smoke once you have quit.

A few folks have advised against drugs, patches, etc. This is curious advice as it is being given to a heavy smoker with heart disease. Tar and nicotine (and God knows what else) are far worse than the use of a pill over the course of a few weeks.

I suggest using Zyban (1/2 tablet twice daily) and a 21mg patch for two weeks. For the third and fourth week use 14mg patch along with the Zyban. Weeks 5 and 6 use a 7mg patch and the Zyban. If you have not smoked at all you should be over the physical cravings. You must understand, though, that you may have to deal with the mental aspect for some time to come.

The first three days will be tough, the first full week almost as bad. The patch and the Zyban will help, however, will not be nearly as bad as cold turkey.

After the first seven days, each day gets easier. You will start to feel better and better physically every day. If you are lucky you will discover how annoying cigarette smoke is to many non-smokers, further re-inforcing your desire to not smoke.

As to the drinking issue, I turned that to my advantage. I felt all I had to do was make it without smoking until 6 pm or so, then I could have a beer. The beer actually helped me relax and took some of the edge off the desire for a smoke. I was around other smokers but I found it amusing to watch their idiosyncracies. Some of their routines were hilarious.

In summary, if you truly want to be a non-smoker it is very attainable. Make it through the first 3 days, then the next 4 and you are home free, if truly committed.

Best luck!!!


p.s. You can save some money on the patches by buying only the 21 mg. Cut off 1/3 to make a 14 mg, day 3 use the two 1/3 sections. Each patch will make 3 @ 7 mg when you reach that phase. Thus, after week 2 you will begin saving money, another side benefit of not smoking.


New member
Sep 21, 2004
patches dont work, drugs dont work.

I know dozens of people that have tried these approaches and only 2 that it has worked for. DETOX, EAT CARROTS, DRINK BARLEY GREEN, DONT WATCH TV, WORK OUT, DEVELOP YOUR INNER SELF. It's not about quitting smoking. If someone has a problem stopping ANYTHING the PROBLEM is inside of them, and through character development you will not only accomplish all personal goals you will rise above EVERYONE'S expectations.

The PROBLEM is not smoking. The PROBLEM is Angelle's health. If the PROBLEM can be FIXED would you do it? Everything has an oppurtunity cost, it's just a matter of what you are willing to do to ACHIEVE!!

New member
Sep 1, 2002

If you're not ready to eat carrots, drink barley green and develop your "inner self," try the method I posted above. It worked for me, my wife and others we know.

I'm sure ATX's plan is good too, but to blatantly say the patch and Zyban don't work simply is not true.

What is true is that if a person is not committed to stopping smoking, nothing will help, not even carrots.


p.s. can you smoke that "barley green?" Will that help?

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