If your friend who did the killing was not in imminent danger at the time he did the killing (and I'm assuming he wasn't since he got 14 years), I think you need to seriously re-evaluate who you "respect".
I don't have any respect for those who take another human's life - slime scumbag or not...
I was in the correct lane, I had to swerve over to the other side completely otherwise I would of been rolled out. There is no way I could of seen his lights or he seen mine. The weird thing is, I was seeing a friend at the hospital and I was leaving their pondered the ICU ward and my grandmother.. kept sticking in my head. I mean this all sounds weird, but if you were there you would of thought this was not normal either.
Let me rephrase. This dude is your best friend and you've grown up with him your whole life(btw this is hypothetical no one I know has done this). You find out he killed his wife..etc etc no one else knows and in a way its the perfect murder. DO you snitch?