My brother four years older was chess freak and president of chess club so I was weaned on it.
Story:Went to Montery to visit friends stationed at Fort Ord.
Hotshot friend wanted to play for money giving me 5-1 odds but had to bet $20.
Got him in bad shape knocks over the board walks into his room brings out and pays me the hundy.
Story #2:Closing the bar go home my German friend from Germany wants to play chess for money,of course.
He wants a shot so I give him everclear as vodka.
I beat him and try to not take the money as was everclear but he insisted,you know got surley.
The end
Each piece according to strategy has a number ranking with more points for the more valuable pieces, so as a basic guide try to plan your strategy around it:
This means if you can sacrifice a knight for example to take an opponents bishop it would be a beneficial move for you.