Feds exchange reserves for treasuries. Absolutely no new money is created in the process. Only targeting interest rates.
And the banks just hold that money in reserve and do nothing with it? Or do they use those assets as collateral and lever up to trade?
The Fed does not have to do anything unless they believe it is time to raise interest rates. Remember, they create the market for treasuries through their use of primary dealers. It's pretty much a meaningless transaction to the real economy other than a decrease in interest
Why should they. The rich just get richer. , the inflation gets burried in a broken index , and the poor get, well , more poor
The primary dealers will buy them and the only thing that will change is they will have a different interest bearing asset on their balance sheet. The Fed instituted the IOER because of the influx of reserves to give the banks some sort of interest on their excess reserves. So the Fed does not and will never care about finding buyers for treasuries. We create the buyers and the market.
Huh? The primary dealers will buy them and sell them to who? Who will eat the losse on this debt as rates rise? If ten primary dealers all hold this debt as inflation roars, every one of these banks will fail all over again.
The Fed would never let interest on our debt go above rates that cause harm to the economy. They have complete control.
Are you serious?
We should be borrowing much more, the government should be spending much more. Spending money is what creates growth, the last thing you want is the government to be reducing spending at the same time the public is saving money. That's a recipe for disaster.
Same question. .......