Ricboff, I'm not living behind a rock. I went out this afternoon for a few beers and cards with the fellas this afternoon.
Cuomo's state or maybe Willie in CT will shut down again before anything happens here.
As COVID-19 cases rebound in Connecticut and New Jersey, Gov Andrew Cuomo is complaining that his neighbors are sending too many diseased travelers/commuters across the border.
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But since New York isn't able to stop the spread of the virus from Connecticut and NJ, it will instead try to stop the rise in cases in those states, Cuomo said.
There’s “no way to quarantine” due to all the connections in the Tri-State Area, Cuomo said during a virus briefing. “It would have a disastrous effect on the economy.”
Conn., Pennsylvania and NJ all meet the criteria to be added to NY's mandatory quarantine list. Instead, the governor is kindly asking passengers to limit all non-essential travel.
NY also added to more states to its list, Maryland and Arizona, as of Tuesday. No states were removed from the list.
Cuomo said he will speak with the governors of Connecticut and New Jersey to work on some kind of plan to limit travel between the states. Including CT, NJ & PA, 43 states are now on NY's travel advisory list, a situation Cuomo calls "really bizarre".
"We're now in a situation where 43 states are on our travel advisory. This is really a bizarre outcome," Cuomo said. "New York had the highest infection rate [at the beginning the pandemic]. We now have 43 states on our quarantine list. It just shows you how different the situation is now."
"To the extent travel among the states or between the states is not essential, it should be avoided,” he said later.