Go away X-Files. Just go away.
Yes employment is getting better than four months ago. Things are reopening. But not nearly fast enough in some sectors. Millions of people are suffering the ways I outlined above.
Do you know what it's like to have THE GOVERNMENT turn your life upside down and put you in a position where you need to close your business, have your credit destroyed, and lose your livelihood. And not be able to pay your rent or mortgage. And have to lay off your workers who are like family to you. Millions of people are STILL suffering that fate. I don't care what your cold, empty statistics say. The cases I cite, the problems I cited, are increasing not decreasing.
And your "experts" have been missing the target for eight months now. The US has never experienced anything like the situation the Government has created in response to a disease they totally misunderstood and misjudged. Who are the "experts" in an area that has never before been encountered in our society?
I will suggest that your "experts" are myopic, self serving, ego driven fools.
Millions of people are SUFFERING while "experts" make more money that they ever have before.