Let's also not forget it was Clinton DOJ who OK'de the merger of Exxon and Mobil. So you capitalist hating libs can blame the grease monkey for this one. It was the demi's who shot down ANWAR in 95 ( led by Newt and the contract with America). It was Gore who wrote in his book he wishes for 5 buck a gallon gas.
All libs are clowns ( all libs, no exceptions to this rule ) who need issue's like this to lie to the American public to get re-elected. Libs don't look to solve anything unless it will lead to them having more power down the road. The issue is more important to them than the solution. We're dealing with fascist bastards here, and Coulter and Rush are numero uno's in my book in getting the truth about these deranged libs out.
JD Hayworth in '08
All libs are clowns ( all libs, no exceptions to this rule ) who need issue's like this to lie to the American public to get re-elected. Libs don't look to solve anything unless it will lead to them having more power down the road. The issue is more important to them than the solution. We're dealing with fascist bastards here, and Coulter and Rush are numero uno's in my book in getting the truth about these deranged libs out.
JD Hayworth in '08