I don't think you understand what Islamophobic means. This letter is not even close to Islamophobic. It's fucking reality.
I could imagine the death threats and insults this poor man was getting with a presence on the web. As we see here, these people are unstable.
I could imagine the death threats and insults this poor man was getting with a presence on the web. As we see here, these people are unstable.
It's fun to see the Islamaphobe Racists doing what they do. At least FRINGY had it partially right for the Idiot Drumpf. Apologize, and STFU. Not continued character assassinations that keep the Khan 15 minutes alive. But the idiot is incapable of it. And some of his sick supporters are as well, as evidenced by the 2nd half of that letter, where the vile Islamaphibia flowed, to a man and family that is above that shit, from the ignorant fool who sent it.
Fucking LOVE my Prius C. Thankfully not the hideous color shown above.
What a loser you are...who the fuck invited Khan into the limelight to use the death of his son for someones political gain?
Fuck you dems are ignernt
No Islamaphobia above in the slightesthno:. And the Comedy that the Idiot Drumpf would actually do something, besides hide under his desk, asking anyone and everyone what to do, when confronted with actual problems, is laughable.
Just the racist rantings of another Islamaphobe. No wonder that poor man had to remove his web presence. I hope he has adequate security.Yeah, taking measures against a group of people who want to wipe us off the face of the earth is a "phobia." I'm starting to think (I already know, in fact) you have a phobia towards logic.
Here's some cold, hard history for you. Mohammed was a baby-raper (documented FACT), a goat-fucker and an all-around murdering scumbag. His devout followers are the same.
Read the history of goatfuckerism sometime. They have no agriculture, no animal husbandry, no works of art, very few scientific contributions, not much engineering...and half the things they are credited with, they borrowed from India and claimed as their own.
The only thing goat-fuckerism is capable of is attempted conquest and slavery. Everywhere they go, they destroy. Everywhere they've been, they leave a wasteland. I documented on here a while ago how their attempted conquests go back to the year 600. Naturally, you didn't respond...because you're too stupid.
They should be exterminated right down to the last goat-fucker who even thinks of attacking the U.S. Like, soon.
Yeah, taking measures against a group of people who want to wipe us off the face of the earth is a "phobia." I'm starting to think (I already know, in fact) you have a phobia towards logic.
Here's some cold, hard history for you. Mohammed was a baby-raper (documented FACT), a goat-fucker and an all-around murdering scumbag. His devout followers are the same.
Read the history of goatfuckerism sometime. They have no agriculture, no animal husbandry, no works of art, very few scientific contributions, not much engineering...and half the things they are credited with, they borrowed from India and claimed as their own.
The only thing goat-fuckerism is capable of is attempted conquest and slavery. Everywhere they go, they destroy. Everywhere they've been, they leave a wasteland. I documented on here a while ago how their attempted conquests go back to the year 600. Naturally, you didn't respond...because you're too stupid.
They should be exterminated right down to the last goat-fucker who even thinks of attacking the U.S. Like, soon.
The only reason he removed his web site was because he was exposed for what he is. A goat fucking coyote with ties to other goat fucking coyotes.Just the racist rantings of another Islamaphobe. No wonder that poor man had to remove his web presence. I hope he has adequate security.
Just the racist rantings of another Islamaphobe. No wonder that poor man had to remove his web presence. I hope he has adequate security.
You mean like the Benghazi mom and 9/11 videos at their convention? Repubs use American deaths for gain....they have been for years and years. It's pathetic.
Except this thread is anout Khan and you making accusations about Repubs using the death of his kid as a prop when in fact it was the Dems who shamelesly marched his story into the publuc eye...all for political gain.
Now sit the fuck down, shut up and recognize the brutally savage knock out you just took from the KNOCKOUT KING !
My knuckles are sore after this one, geez...
The plot thickens……
This was Barack Obama with Khizr Khan's wife in 2009. She was not in her Muslim garb. And if you think they accidentally ended up at the DNC convention, think again. Khan is a Dem CON man, and prop of the Left. He's Muslim Brotherhood affiliated, and a professor who teaches and practices Sharia. (see photo attached)