american POW on canadian RDI TV right now


<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>if those tapes of us soldiers are in violation of geneva conventions, than tapes of iraqui pow shown last few days on cnn is a geneva violation as well. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

Precisely what I was thinking..
<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR> Jesus, we go ridiculously out of our way to stay in step with the Geneva convention. I don't know what video you are talking about but I'm sure it doesn't compare even remotely with a bullet in the back of the head and parading tortured 20 year-olds on TV for propaganda. Please tell me you aren't stupid enough to be comparing that with handcuffing someone. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

They were saying showing the faces of the coalition POW's is in violation of the Geneva convention, hell I saw 100's of Iraqi POW's the last couple of days on the TV and yes their faces also !

And BTW remind me again WTF is the US doing over there in the first place !


25 to life because you couldn't controll your anger
internet patriot :

dont waist your time. i can see that your main source of information is jerusalem post.

so, i will assume that you are not stupid or ignorant. you are only uninformed.

some people dont have to be smart to see things many dont see.

all they do is open their eyes.
"i will assume that you are not stupid or ignorant"

Don Marco,
Get the facts straight - everybody knows that Patriot is to "stupid" and "ignorant".

New member
Sep 20, 2004

I don't think your an authority on anything but spin control. You say your a united states citizen and yet all of todays events only warrent flippant remarks from you. If your feelings are SO strong against this war go to iraq and be a human shield and do something noble. Or better yet join the iraqi army or their republican guard. Smart ass remarks will not win the war for your buddy Saddam.
"Or better yet join the iraqi army or their republican guard."

I would assume being "anti-war" means just that - being anti-war (against war), not "anti-any-American-led-war", so I'm failing to see your point (if indeed one exists)?

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Yeah lander you missed the point because i was not talking to you. The anti-war crowd on this site seem more anti-american than anti-war. Go put a stop to all of the baby killers as you so eloquently put it. While your giving your stance do you condone the possible execution of american soilders?
"While your giving your stance do you condone the possible execution of american soilders?"

As POWs? No, I do not support the killing of POWs by Iraq or American Coalition soldiers.

As vicitims of war? Yes (though I am against war in the 1st place), unfortunately that is war.

New member
Sep 20, 2004

You don't support the war but you do support the killing going on in the war even though you don't support the war. Great argument Einstien.
No stupid.
Let me make it clear for your slow processing brain to understand.

I do NOT support his war, but as a general rule to any war I stand as :

As POWs? No, I do not support the killing of POWs by .. soldiers.
As vicitims of war? Yes .., unfortunately that is war.

It's not so complicated RainMan.

New member
Sep 20, 2004
I just busted your stupid ass. You sit on here and condemn america and not even a peep about them executing american soilders. Limp wristed libs like YOU are supposed to say i'm against killings of all kinds. You contradicted yourself and showed your humanity is misplaced.

Let me spell this out for you retard. If your so outraged That a country half way around the world is being bombed by your country. Then you should be at least equally outraged at your countries servicemen being shot mafia style.
Go back and read liberalism for dummies again jerkweed.
Did it ever occur to you that nobody would be being bombed or shot mafia style right now if there was no un-justly declared war?

WTF are you talking about?

Seriously pal,
Have you been drinking tonight? You're making very little sense.

oh, and by the way - I never said I was a liberal, jerky. The first problem with imps like you is that you have to sterotype everyone in a group that you can more easily hate.

New member
Sep 20, 2004

You blaming our soilders getting executed like animals on Bush is like blaming tylenol for some nut poisoning bottles inside grocery stores. There are rules set by every civilized country for POW's. Putting them on their knees and shooting them in their head is against those rules. I guess if our soilders did that even though they wouldn't you would have no problem with it. Lay off the milk kid it's going straight to your head.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
The Geneva convention covers the way you show POWs on TV, not just having them on the screen. It was done to attempt at preventing them becoming pawns in the politics of war. Imagine if there was no rules, the Iraqis could turn into flat out hostage holders, just having one of the POWs read a message "this war is unjust and we didn't want any part of it, and now if you don't stop they are saying they will kill us one at a time for each 24 hours the bombing continues". That is exactly the reason why you are allowed to show the existence of POWs, but not have them make statements of any kind.
Wow, there are some idiots in this thread. Thanks for speaking your mind Faceless, and not listening to their bullshit.
"An Iraqi child said by Iraqi authorities to have been wounded during a recent airstrike cries in hospital in Baghdad March 22, 2003. REUETERS/Faleh Kheiber"

Wil, WTF? Dumsfeld clearly said today on "Face the Nation" that, "we are NOT bombing Baghdad."

New member
Sep 20, 2004

The real idiots are the people buying your loser picks. Go sell your your lousy picks somewhere else tout.

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