When I wrote it I could see that it would be perceived as racist, however, that was not my intention. The perspective I was thinking of was of those kids that I had taught. I agree that on the one hand it is a singing/talent competition. However, on the other hand it represents more to those children that watch the show. I did see on the program that Fantasia went back to her old school and urged the kids to "stay in school". For me, this rings rather hollow and is rather reminiscent of those NBA "read to achieve" programs featuring kids that either didn't finish school or who barely made it through high school. I am not begrudging their talents one bit, but if you have spent time in the inner city you would know that children's perspective is sometimes warped. They see their options out as athletes or entertainers and don't feel the need to emphasize academics. I remember one young child telling me she didn't need school (she was in 7th grade at the time) because she was gonna be a hairdresser.
As for her "bringing it" or "brung", that was a direct quote from one of the children I talked to and was not related to Fantasia one bit. I really do think she is talented, but like I said the way she is presented casts a negative light on her community- Be it Southern, North Carolinian, poor, single mother, African-American or whatever.
So if you still think I am racist, that is your prerogative. However, if you saw the same things I saw and did not think "doesn't this make people perceive her in a negative light?", then you yourself are in denial and need to take a look in the mirror. Good discussion is an important and enlightening thing and that was my point.