All you guys worried about “ghost” posters


Aug 4, 2013
And for the record I know lilwillie better than most on here. Through his daughter. That part is real. He is just too stubborn to admit it or maybe too dumb to figure it out. It's a small world and for somebody that should understand that his daughter's vids are in my hands and I've been a gentleman about it and never shown anybody, you'd think he'd be a little bit more appreciative. I did promise his daughter I'd delete them after I divulged what I did, but I didn't delete them. Seriously lilwillie, are you one of those delusional parents that think'' no not my girl, she's a good girl, she would never do those nasty things''

College is a fun time. Enough said. Girls gone wild for real.

My point is no matter how superior you like to act, I know for a fact that you are still whitetrash in terms of morality and decency. But the dangerous part about you, unlike your openly racist and scumbag friends like festeringzit and sheriffjoe etc, is that you are more cunning, and subtle and fake and sneaky about it. But many of us see through it. You are the worst kind of scum. The kind that likes to pretend otherwise.

Sad part is, your daughter is actually a half decent and a more progressive person. Otherwise I could totally own you.

I'll leave it at that.
This guy looks like he’s a journalist which most journalists lean left. Obviously college educated my cousins a journalist and his wife’s an actress and both are activist. Funny how working fields is a tell to political preference. My sister also has an environmental degree and leans left hates Trump and all when we visit her no paper towels allowed in her house and so forth lol.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
I can't believe.. After all these years on the forums.. Some of you veterans never grasped the concept of Don't Feed the Trolls. And it's obvious that many of you that fall for it are intelligent people too. I don't get it.

Ignore the morons. If any of these guys are ghosts that scammed in the past or were banned for doxxing, report the evidence to the mods if you feel so compelled. But interacting with them is exactly what they are looking for when they come back. Don't give them the pleasure.

I do ignore them, 99% of the time

After seeing he took the time to write a short novel, I figured I should dangle a line for him

He thinks the more he talks, the more convincing he is. He's not bright enough to realize he's just hanging himself. Let's see if he wises up

Jul 23, 2020
Let's see if he wises up

Don't know. Don't care. But the answer is a 100% no. Won't ever happen. These dorks are too retarded. I don't ever read the drivel from these idiots though. It's an auto skip.

I can understand you getting involved when things get personal though. That's human nature.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Don't know. Don't care. But the answer is a 100% no. Won't ever happen. These dorks are too retarded. I don't ever read the drivel from these idiots though. It's an auto skip.

I can understand you getting involved when things get personal though. That's human nature.

Dude is always talking about how he doesnt care about this or doesnt care about that.....yet he still seems to care enough to post on how
HE THINKS people should respond


Tell us what else you dont care about pal.

Jul 23, 2020
Tell us what else you dont care about pal.

What you or anyone else has to share about masks, vaccines, or anything political. What you had for breakfast this morning. The amount of your monthly welfare checks.

Oct 31, 2004
Your welcome CHOPPY w-thumbs!^ ,
I've been busy at the rx I'll admit it but this is fun for me .... u guys here crack me up . If it's soooooo aggravating for u to be here I might suggest that you find another sports forum & not look back or come here & just stick to the sports sub-forums & talk sports ? . I don't know u dude & some people here at the rx like u & think highly of u but let's be honest .... Lately you've started to sound like a whiny little bitch & frankly it's annoying .
I still stand by my stamp collecting comment .... u need something to take the " edge " off choppy

I’m at my 41,000 and change post right now .
I think I reached 40k post 3 to 5 years ago

Oct 13, 2021
I do ignore them, 99% of the time

After seeing he took the time to write a short novel, I figured I should dangle a line for him

He thinks the more he talks, the more convincing he is. He's not bright enough to realize he's just hanging himself. Let's see if he wises up

And you don't realize that nobody is buying your act anymore. Also, you're the last clown to be talking about intellect.

As I said before, I've got several messages from posters agreeing with me about what a piece of scum you are. Lol. Whatever you have to say to help yourself sleep at night lilwillie.

Just because you act nonchalant about it, doesn't mean the information about your daughter isn't true. Ignore it, but don't deny it. You can't.

Oct 13, 2021

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
And you don't realize that nobody is buying your act anymore. Also, you're the last clown to be talking about intellect.

As I said before, I've got several messages from posters agreeing with me about what a piece of scum you are. Lol. Whatever you have to say to help yourself sleep at night lilwillie.

Just because you act nonchalant about it, doesn't mean the information about your daughter isn't true. Ignore it, but don't deny it. You can't.

All the right people dislike me

Ghosts, liars, frauds, scam artists, stalkers, doxers, people who've been banned multiple times at multiple forums................., you blend perfectly

Truth is, an anonymous poster on the internet totally occupies that tiny little brain of yours. Obsession is never healthy, maybe you need a real life. That's not my problem, and I'm not here to help you with that either

Considering your obsession with Tom Brady, I think you have some sort of compulsive obsessive disorder

Between you and I, we both know you're a worthless lying POS. Be proud of yourself

Have a great day

Nov 1, 2007
Just to be clear - this place has always been a shit hole. The only explanation for the “good old days” is a bad memory.

Aug 4, 2013
Don’t feed the trolls. Silence is deafening. What other people say about you is none of your business have broad shoulders.

Oct 13, 2021
All the right people dislike me

Ghosts, liars, frauds, scam artists, stalkers, doxers, people who've been banned multiple times at multiple forums................., you blend perfectly

Truth is, an anonymous poster on the internet totally occupies that tiny little brain of yours. Obsession is never healthy, maybe you need a real life. That's not my problem, and I'm not here to help you with that either

Considering your obsession with Tom Brady, I think you have some sort of compulsive obsessive disorder

Between you and I, we both know you're a worthless lying POS. Be proud of yourself

Have a great day

Again, that's your narrative lol. You live in a dream world where your self righteous personality and life is decent and good. I've never seen anybody praise himself or his life so much. You are too obvious in your inferiority complex.

The same can be said about me. If lowlife racist, extremist rightwing, bigots and toothlees, uneducated losers in life are the ones that are attacking me like rabid dogs...then I feel pretty good about it. Lol.

See how you can spin things however you want? Well, you're a right wing loon so you are the master of spinning things to fit your fucked up narrative. Lol.

Have a good day.

Oct 13, 2021
All the right people dislike me

Ghosts, liars, frauds, scam artists, stalkers, doxers, people who've been banned multiple times at multiple forums................., you blend perfectly

Truth is, an anonymous poster on the internet totally occupies that tiny little brain of yours. Obsession is never healthy, maybe you need a real life. That's not my problem, and I'm not here to help you with that either

Considering your obsession with Tom Brady, I think you have some sort of compulsive obsessive disorder

Between you and I, we both know you're a worthless lying POS. Be proud of yourself

Have a great day

And between you and me, you're a slimy, coward, racist, phony, bitter old fool with a major inferiority complex that tries to hard to convince others of the image he wants to project of himself. You're also not very self aware. You think people are actually dumb enough to fall for the act Lol.


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
And between you and me, you're a slimy, coward, racist, phony, bitter old fool with a major inferiority complex that tries to hard to convince others of the image he wants to project of himself. You're also not very self aware. You think people are actually dumb enough to fall for the act Lol.


Pal at the RX people really only care if you pay yer gambling debts, and Big Will has done that and held plenty of funds in the past .

Sep 21, 2004
Hey bro, I quoted you.

Thanks for playing.

PS: it is so funny how triggered you are that I'm mocking you for supporting this bozo.

Where in this thread did I say that Mr.Hooked on Phonics. Can you show me/us. Basic reading comprehension and retention is a terrible thing. Oh ASSeb what a buffoon your are. I'll be around waiting for you to support your argument. In the meantime...Slapping-silly90))

Sep 21, 2004
If find it hilarious that liberals still use the term Trumptard when they voted for an actual retard (Joe Biden).

The lack of self-awareness is comedy gold.

I can't imagine that there has ever been a President in our history that had less brain cells than Joe Biden. Now in Joe's case, he's always been really fucking stupid
(why he had to cheat his way through college and life), but clearly his stupidity is exacerbated by some form of dementia.

Yes Trump is not too bright and you speak of awareness? It's been Trump who's lied, cheated and grifted his way through his entire life.

Aug 4, 2013
Carlos you’ll never get through the GOP is a Chinese fire drill their all cult of personality. Just let it go we’ve been talking sports of late and it’s refreshing. Can’t wait for football Saturday. When you going to Vegas?

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