All you guys worried about “ghost” posters

Nov 8, 2012
Things to make the rx better

1) no trolls in the sports forum. We've lost WAY too many very good cappers over the years due to the trolls who follow these guys blindly and then get mad when the good capper has a bad week or 2. However those forums have gotten better. Just wish those good cappers could come back. I remember 10 years ago, the college football forum would be 3 pages deep midweek previewing upcoming games. Now we cant even make a page.

2) Keep politics talk ONLY in the politics thread. Its a damn cesspool down there. Leave the circle jerk down there and not up here. Why would a new poster (non lurker) want to post in the main forum if just going to get attacked for having a different opinion? Not sure why we have to have 357 threads of "these people are awesome and these people suck".

3) Would love more action in the main forum. Back when i was a "lurker" there were many good threads going around just on everyday stuff. Some threads were pretty fun. I love the fun threads

There are a few more but this is good for now.

Jul 4, 2012
I know what it means wise ass. Can't think outside the box, huh? Lick me where I pee.

There is no "thinking outside the box" here.

You're just defending someone who is on their 7th username, who has tried to scam people out of money, and who is now saying sick stuff about Willie's family.

Note how triggered you are by me pointing that out.

Sep 19, 2019
The more significant problem is that the user base in this 30 year old shithole forum has dwindled to the 2 digit number and you have ghosts and ghosts of ghosts all bashing the living shit out of each other (and themselves) all day every day with the same ultra far right, anti vax, trump humping bullshit.

For example, ghosts like PocketRockets, a meth addicted psycho from CR who got fired from his $200 per week 5 dimes job some time ago has reemerged fairly recently as "Dr Love" and is vomiting up the same drug fueled rage as before.

Sep 21, 2004
There is no "thinking outside the box" here.

You're just defending someone who is on their 7th username, who has tried to scam people out of money, and who is now saying sick stuff about Willie's family.

Note how triggered you are by me pointing that out.

My response was to Big Bets excellent post which I've used those words on and off for a year and a half. My usage of the word was meant as a metaphor. And yes I can get triggered by people I don't care for or respect.

Active member
Nov 23, 2011

Sep 21, 2004
There is no "thinking outside the box" here.

You're just defending someone who is on their 7th username, who has tried to scam people out of money, and who is now saying sick stuff about Willie's family.

Note how triggered you are by me pointing that out.

Reading comprehension a basic skill in devoid for some.

Sep 21, 2004
You have certain posters whos life revolves around this place.
This place is like home for some.
Some posters eat breakfast lunch and dinner here.
Pretty sad

Yep! Who knew. You would think degenerate gamblers would be hanging here 24/7 and not Trumptard anti vaxxers parking themselves here.
Nov 8, 2012
Yep! Who knew. You would think degenerate gamblers would be hanging here 24/7 and not Trumptard anti vaxxers parking themselves here.


I dont get why people who NEVER talk about either sports or gambling post in here so much???
Sep 21, 2004
Yep! Who knew. You would think degenerate gamblers would be hanging here 24/7 and not Trumptard anti vaxxers parking themselves here.

If find it hilarious that liberals still use the term Trumptard when they voted for an actual retard (Joe Biden).

The lack of self-awareness is comedy gold.

I can't imagine that there has ever been a President in our history that had less brain cells than Joe Biden. Now in Joe's case, he's always been really fucking stupid
(why he had to cheat his way through college and life), but clearly his stupidity is exacerbated by some form of dementia.

Oct 13, 2021
Hahaha, my daughter is not a progressive, he can't even get to first base

You don't know shit about your daughter old man. Most parents don't. They think they do. But they really don't. And believe me...I got much further than first base.

Jun 4, 2018
ok mr 8500 post in less then 3 years .

thanks for the advice
Your welcome CHOPPY w-thumbs!^ ,
I've been busy at the rx I'll admit it but this is fun for me .... u guys here crack me up . If it's soooooo aggravating for u to be here I might suggest that you find another sports forum & not look back or come here & just stick to the sports sub-forums & talk sports ? . I don't know u dude & some people here at the rx like u & think highly of u but let's be honest .... Lately you've started to sound like a whiny little bitch & frankly it's annoying .
I still stand by my stamp collecting comment .... u need something to take the " edge " off choppy
Nov 8, 2012
Post 40

He's NOT wrong on many of those topics about this forum

Lets disregard the people he is talking about. However, he's not wrong about the topics.

However if we leave that in the cess pool of the poly forum, then its fine. Just dont bring it into the main forum
Sep 21, 2004
You of all people are talking about self awareness? That's comical.

I'm glad to see that there's others that feel the same way about this small group of racist, extreme right wing bigots infesting and ruining this forum. Acting like rabid dogs when they smell a Democrat. Even if the Democrat isn't coming at them...they are rabid dogs. Every chance they can get. Even if it is totally relevant in the conversation lol. They will somehow work it in. Damn Liberals lol.

Then there's the moronic comments projecting their own self hate. ''It's genetics'' Obvious projecting. Lol. I know this guy well. His genetics aren't are the superior. On the contrary.

Hey if I get banned for calling out these racists and bigots like festeringzit and willie99 and sheriffjoe, exploited and a couple of other freaks and low life scum of society that have infested therx then fine. I just hope it brings some change and the owners wise up and overhaul this site and clean out the trash or at least bring the hammer down as far as the desperate futile attempts to push their insane extremist, hateful agenda on others. They've turned this site into a shithole.

How many younger posters or more passive posters don't poster on therx or walk on eggshells because of these old, bitter lowlife racist, low testosterone right wing extremists?

Want to call me an asshole? Go ahead. At least I own it. Ban me cause these whackjobs (as usual when they find somebody to be a Liberal) accuse me of being a ghost go ahead. But turn this place into an actual sports site so I can come on and read some interesting stories or insight. Not daily threads about ''such and such athelete doesn't get vaccinated, good for him!'' ''NBA pushing diversity-Liberals have ruined sports'' And so on. Why does it bother you so much? I don't agree with a lot of things some leagues or players do but I don't obsess. I shrug it off. It's a free world. Enjoy the game.

These racist morons don't comprehend the simple fact that when somebody kneels for the flag they aren't disrespecting the flag, at least that's not their intention, they are hurting and pissed or just want some sort of change and feel the need to take some harmless but significant action. Whether they are wrong or right in their methods. They feel something is off.

The whole shut up and dribble attitude on here when black athletes speak up is another sign of racism. Yet if a white athlete says something there agree with, they praise him. Nomore shut up and dribble.

These gang of right wing extremists are so hypocritical, hateful, bitter, racist, OBSESSED WITH POLITICS and just seem triggered that America isn't white anymore and is changing more everyday.

Hey guess what? I don't agree with homosexuality either. I even make some comments I shouldn't hear and there and I am working on being better about that. But I don't foam at the mouth or start thread after thread bitching about it.

The rest of you, or lurkers, voice your opinions and make it count. Ban me go ahead. i just want to talk sports and bet sports. I don't want to come into therx and see thread after thread from these clowns bitching about homos, or blacks or athletes or Liberals under the disguise of a sports topic. You aren't fooling anybody you dumbasses.

Rant over! Lol. It's all good either way. i like Covers. A lot of immaturity there and nonsense you have to filter through but it has ENERGY! Clear PASSION and excitement for sports and sportsbetting.

This site has a dreary, depressing, hateful cloud over it. And these racists aren't even funny or interesting or original. That makes it worse. Their personalities are just fake and bland and repetitive.

Ok, won't comment on this again. It's all good man. At the end of the day I'm good. We are all good. It's just the internet. But I'm not pretending to be a saint unlike these right wing extremists hypocrites.

festeringzit says, ''I'm a good christian'' Then proceeds to make threads against Muslims calling them all terrorists. I guess blacks all are thugs and gangsters according to the attitude of these right wing extremist rabid dogs.

You got little willie99 acting happy and mentally healthy saying ''live life, be happy, love your family, etc etc'' then proceeds to mock blacks by mocking how some of them talk, or foaming at the mouth everytime he can while he bitches about liberals, some weird obsession with genetics also, (clearly projecting his inferiority complex)

The people are bitter and angry inside. It's obvious. Why else would they be so obsessed. And then they will turn around and call YOU crazy for calling them out. They will gaslight or gang up on you, troll you, follow you around or make some negative comment on every thread you make. If you haven't experienced it it's because you are passive, or they haven't keyed in on you yet, or you haven't disagreed with them yet.

Sure a lot of people argue or don't like eachother on forums...but with this small group of right wing extremists they are like obsessed rabid dogs. Something off about them.

It's like they hate that the world is getting more and more progressive and open minded and they are the minority out there, so they created this safe little safe place on therx where they can be the majority and think they run this place and gang up on anybody that gives a little push back.

Yeah, you rabid dogs want to discredit me or call me an asshole or a ghost or whatever, Let's say for argument's sakes, you are right. Lol. Now what? What about YOU racist rabid dogs foaming at the mouth? Let's talk about that now. Owners of this site. Hammer down on this political nonsense propaganda. This isn't a political site, or shouldn't be. It's a sports site.

Clear out the rabid dogs, or put a tight leash on them and I guarantee, slowly but surely, you will get young blood coming in here that want to talk sports. You will get moderate or well adjusted adults that don't want to partake in incessant politics conversations and just want to talk sports or fantasy line ups, survivor pools, new sports gambling laws, trades, angles on a particular game, etc etc.

REJUVENATE THIS FUCKEN PLACE. Most of all let's get some better personalities in here. Funnier people. Happier people. Not like these hateful, foaming at the mouth racist fucks.

To the rest of you that are chill...expect more from this place. Call them out for their politically motivated, or racially motivated ''sports'' threads on the main forum. Keep these rabid dogs in the political room. Freaks that they are.

Well cleaned out the infestation that was trump. We can clean out a couple of rabid dogs too. How often do Liberals on here, or guys that don't have a dog in the race start politically motivated threads every hour? How often do they randomly add in, fucken Republicunts when politics are completely irrelevant in the conversation. We all see what the problem is here.

Want to ban me because of their wild allegations and my own admittedly unbecoming behavior? Go ahead. I will accept it. But I honestly just want to talk sports, have a couple of laughs. I'm not obsessed with this site like they are. Lol (Cue the, oh that's why you are making post after post and keep coming back lol. You rabid dogs are so predictable, I'm only posting past few days to make a point you morons. I've been away from the site for like over a year maybe more and didn't bat an eyelash, you freaks would shrivel up and die without spewing your hate on here daily)

By the way, willie99, I didn't say your daughter is progressive. I said or at least meant MORE progressive than you. Ask her about are drives to Southington. Ask her about the fucks on the side of the road on route 7. Ask her about the premed days...Well..she won't admit it but if you know your daughter well enough, you will be able to read her eyes. But at the end of the day, most parents are clueless about their kids. Or pretend to be.

I have the videos. She's fiesty and as uptight as she can be sometimes, she really lets loose in bed. You can deny it all you want but it's true. And I know your real name, where you come from, where you live, all about you, your wife, everything. I know her in ways you never will. Deal with it. And in knowing what I know about you, I know you are the most racist and hateful and bitter of all the racist extremists. You act more low key and subtle than them but it's obvious to those who pay attention that you're the worst of them. The most hypocritical.

Love life, do the right thing, love your family...and hate on blacks, Liberals, minorities every chance you can get right. Guys like Gruden proved that some of the most evil racists are the ones that are in the closet. Who knows what some of these evil monsters really feel or what they really say behind closed doors. And then you will say, oh you're so sensitive it's just words. You don't get to decide what's sensitive to blacks after what they've endured and continue to. When Gruden talks about dumboris or big lips, we all know it's attacking blacks racially and the coward denies it. You're the same willie. You're a coward and a hypocrite.

I wonder if some of the hatred against blacks comes from knowing that your daughter fucked a couple of blacks guys. It was college dude. ALL white girls fuck black guys there. Then again no. She wouldn't let you find out. Do you want to see the videos? See how passionate your daughter is.

I can literally OWN lilwillie if I wanted to. The evil snake deserves it, but in doing so I'd have to hurt a decent girl. Not great girl believe me. Nothing special or noble about her, but she has a life now. So do I. I'd hate to be that despicable. B ut part of me just wants to upload it all on youporn and send the links here.

Fuck off lilwillie. You're too obvious and easy. Spin it however you want to save face. You are a racist bitter old fuck with a boring ass job. I probably make more in 3 months than you do all year. I'm young and good looking and at the end of the day I'll get bored on here and leave and enjoy life and you will still be here spewing hate and talking about how you are enjoying your life Lol.

Festeringzit and the are like mosquitos but still racists and bigots. But you bore me.

Later dudes! Sorry to the rest of you that have to see these stupid threads.

Hi Jag/road2perdition.

I knew it was you after 5 posts.

Yawn. Say bye bye.

Jun 4, 2018
If find it hilarious that liberals still use the term Trumptard when they voted for an actual retard (Joe Biden).

The lack of self-awareness is comedy gold.

I can't imagine that there has ever been a President in our history that had less brain cells than Joe Biden.
SPOT ON .... or as the character Kenny bania on seinfeld said " THAT'S GOLD , JERRY , GOLD "

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