AK and Willies pissing contest thread.


Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
I'm looking at AK's argument in that Willie is a racist. I keep reading it and reading it but I'm just not seeing where the racist comment is made. Is it that he's arguing that Willie refers to the white people as the "Working Class" as if to say nobody other than whites work? Is that what he's reading into? Help me out here.

the 60/40 reference had no racial connotations from me whatsoever, and I never once said anyone's votes are not as important as anyone elses'. In the political arena, scum like AK like to try and argue they're more intelligent, and smarter people are democrats yada yada yada. Of course exit polling data tells a different story. High school drop outs and people living below the poverty line vote overwhelming democratic, that's just simple math. A large amount of those voters represent the inner-city poor. That's just another fact. And I'm not mad at anybody for voting, everyone should. I was disappointed Romney's base was far less enthusiastic than I thought, and the democrats did a great job of getting their inner-city base out. The post election argument I've made is just that, that's what swung the 2012 election.

The 60/40 reference was stolen by me from an article I read, and I can't find it again but I remember the thought process. It had nothing to do with race, it was a play off of Romney's 47% remark. If 70% of those 47% vote democratic, than 60% of the other 53% (the people who pay taxes) would of had to vote for Romney to wind up at 51 to 46. If more than 70% of the non tax paying Americans voted for Obama, the a % larger > 60% of the taxpaying Americans would of had to vote for Romney, and vice versa obviously. I think it's safe to assume a large % of that 47% voted for Obama. This also assumes, the turnout is the same between the 47% crowd and the 53% crowd.

I have asked several times if anyone had any questions for me (in the thread he was calling me racist), and nobody did. This is the first time I've seen such a question.

I won't respond to scum, he's a vile worthless human being.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
the 60/40 reference had no racial connotations from me whatsoever, and I never once said anyone's votes are not as important as anyone elses'. In the political arena, scum like AK like to try and argue they're more intelligent, and smarter people are democrats yada yada yada. Of course exit polling data tells a different story. High school drop outs and people living below the poverty line vote overwhelming democratic, that's just simple math. A large amount of those voters represent the inner-city poor. That's just another fact. And I'm not mad at anybody for voting, everyone should. I was disappointed Romney's base was far less enthusiastic than I thought, and the democrats did a great job of getting their inner-city base out. The post election argument I've made is just that, that's what swung the 2012 election.

The 60/40 reference was stolen by me from an article I read, and I can't find it again but I remember the thought process. It had nothing to do with race, it was a play off of Romney's 47% remark. If 70% of those 47% vote democratic, than 60% of the other 53% (the people who pay taxes) would of had to vote for Romney to wind up at 51 to 46. If more than 70% of the non tax paying Americans voted for Obama, the a % larger > 60% of the taxpaying Americans would of had to vote for Romney, and vice versa obviously. I think it's safe to assume a large % of that 47% voted for Obama. This also assumes, the turnout is the same between the 47% crowd and the 53% crowd.

I have asked several times if anyone had any questions for me (in the thread he was calling me racist), and nobody did. This is the first time I've seen such a question.

I won't respond to scum, he's a vile worthless human being.

Hahahaha, he actually tried to come up with an excuse of why he said 60/40 as if he was not using the white vote. So Willie... explain where you got these numbers from then...

Did you know?

Romney actually won the working class vote (read non inner-city) by the same majority Reagan did, 20 points.

there was just a larger working class vote in 1980, 88% vs 72%, thus Ronnie won in a blow out

poor Jimmy, must be thinking "timing" is everything

bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006
Fratfraud is trying to convince everyone that Willie is a racist..


Never bet against America.
Jul 3, 2014
Ok, lets all stop this nonsense name calling. We all do it but to continually say it over and over about one person takes it's course. Willie, I'm not trying to be a peacekeeper but please just stop referring to AK as scum or as a worthless human being. You're better than that to be saying things like that. You stated your point and that was enough. I don't know if AK can stop because I've seen enough of his posts to realize part of his empowerment is to belittle people and many on here are afraid of that. AK, if you are as smart as you say you are, then any smart person knows that they can get a point across better other than by belittlement. If you failed to make your point once, say it again in a more constructive manner. Tearing people down is not going to make your point any stronger. Maybe you're right and we are all "dumb" on here but being a smart person you ought to know how to communicate to your audience. Just because people don't agree with you all the time doesn't mean they are against you.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Hamglaze, the man has tried for two months now to convince people I'm racist, how should I address him? How would you address him?

I address him is such a fashion because that's how I honestly feel about him.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Ok, lets all stop this nonsense name calling. We all do it but to continually say it over and over about one person takes it's course. Willie, I'm not trying to be a peacekeeper but please just stop referring to AK as scum or as a worthless human being. You're better than that to be saying things like that. You stated your point and that was enough. I don't know if AK can stop because I've seen enough of his posts to realize part of his empowerment is to belittle people and many on here are afraid of that. AK, if you are as smart as you say you are, then any smart person knows that they can get a point across better other than by belittlement. If you failed to make your point once, say it again in a more constructive manner. Tearing people down is not going to make your point any stronger. Maybe you're right and we are all "dumb" on here but being a smart person you ought to know how to communicate to your audience. Just because people don't agree with you all the time doesn't mean they are against you.

I'm having fun with this. I didn't want people like CHOP to get involved in this cesspool though, so that sucked. But the rest of the clowns that have come to support Willie are people that already hated me, lol. And look at their posts towards me, incredibly racist insults towards me because I'm a quarter native american. These are the people that support Willie and it's fun to watch. I want people like Snoop, Schiff, Acebb, Loomis, Sheriff Joe, JDeuce, Zit, etc to defend Willie. That looks far worse for him than it does me. Those guys are real life psychos that I've known for years.

As for Willie, you have to know he's the most arrogant person on this site. He does not care that I'm calling him a racist, he cares that I have evidence that points to him making racist comments and he knows he has no way around it. He hates being proven wrong more than anything. That's really why he hates me and pulls little baby moves like not letting me play in their fantasy football league. So it's fun to see how far he will go just because he refuses to admit he was wrong. All I have to do is post this...

Did you know?

Romney actually won the working class vote (read non inner-city) by the same majority Reagan did, 20 points.

there was just a larger working class vote in 1980, 88% vs 72%, thus Ronnie won in a blow out

poor Jimmy, must be thinking "timing" is everything

And inside it tears him up knowing that there is nothing he can say about this that would make it not a racist comment. So he has to either ignore it, admit he was wrong, or attack me. He chooses to attack me instead. Which is fine.

And I know what I'm doing. This thread will attract the who's who of nutter conservatives on this site. It's fun to watch. I suggest any sane people that want sane conversations do not post in this thread. It's going to continue being ugly.

bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006
this guy AK sounds like a psycho

No way this dude has ever gotten laid.

Sure fratfraud. The entertaining value you bring to RR is priceless even for the ones that rarely view your stupidity, yet they're able to form their opinion about you right at the first time they read your posts.

You're a LEGEND.


New member
Oct 19, 2007
This is the kind of person Snoop is outside of being a crazy obsessed stalker. No question he would support Willie. This is Willies kind of people!!

Ahhh... a social reject drunken Native American attention whore is dying for my attention. No wondering why everyone is laughing at you.
A sicko coward Native American is playing victim... Boo Hoo

bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006
And the statement is TRUE.

1- You're a social reject. Check.
2- You're an attention whore. Check.
3- You're Native American. Check.
4- You're drunk 24/7. Check.

Are you disputing any of that, fratfraud? :grandmais

Oct 31, 2004
Ak I think I read where you say you are a Washington redskins fan.
As a redskins fan and 25% Native American do you feel like the name redskins is racist?

Personally I think the society as a whole has gotten way too thin skinned.

Way too many people in this world throw out the word racist.

Making the claim that Willie is racist(a person you've never met) is a very strong statement.

So far this thread is over 20 pages long and you have yet to find one single person on this entire forum to agree with you on your statement that Willie is a racist.

Not even your friends like vitt or guesser will go as far as saying Willie is racist.
Heck vitt even said Willie was not racist.

Guesser came the closest of everyone besides you in saying Willie was racist by saying Willie made a racist comment.
But he never did go the distance by saying Willie is an outright racist.

You are the only poster in this 20 page thread to make that claim.
You are the only poster on this entire forum of almost 100000 members to make that claim but yet somehow you think you are winning.

This reminds me of the clowns who are trying to rename the redskins.

Its just nuts.

Im not trying to be a dick. I have been on your side before. Even in some cases when it was not popular to be on your side.

I do enjoy reading your opinions on the economy. I think you bring a lot of intelligence to that subject even if people like snoop won't admit it.

But you really should work on your people skills.

I don't think Willie does not want you in the league because of your politics and beliefs.

Im not trying to speak for Willie but I bet you if say vitt would have wanted to join the fantasy league Willie would not have a problem with that and Willie disagres with vitt just as often as he disagrees with you.

Its all about your accusatory and judgemental attitude of accusing people of things you have little or no proof of like calling him a racist.

bet365 player
Oct 25, 2006

I actually believe you're a DICK. I can't believe you refused to accept a new member for FF based on his/her skin color. So, I'm going to help fratboy to file a discrimination lawsuit against you and Willie.

The cost is free entirely. I don't promise that we're going to win but we can try. What do you say, frat? :grandmais

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Depending on which context you use Redskins in. As just a reference to native americans skin color, I couldn't give a flying fuck. I actually like it. I actually gained some respect for Daniel Snyder for the first time when he refused to change it due to public pressure.

And the battle is between Willie and I. We have argued for 5 years, and whenever we have an edge on one another we use it. Willie attacked my sports betting, which I've never done, and he attacked me as his "little bitch", etc. So I brought out my arsenal, which is racist comments he said after the election. Do I think Willie is the kind of racist that has Swastika tattoos and a hood in his closet. No, not at all. I call my best friend a racist all the time because he says racist comments. We were roommates in the fraternity and to piss me off one day he bought a confederate flag off ebay to hang on his half of the room. I of course took it down one night with some friends and threw it down a gutter, but we are still best friends to this day. He's a supper obnoxious conservative just like Willie.

Willie is just butt hurt because he said those comments and he has no way around it. That's why I keep posting them and making the claim because I know how pissed off it makes Willie. He does not care that I'm calling him a racist. He cares that I have evidence of him saying comments that he can't possibly make out to be positive in his image. The dude is a psycho when it comes to how he thinks of himself. He couldn't admit he was wrong if he tried. Even after the election, he was still saying his predictions were right, lol.

Like Vit says, the comments were undoubtedly racist but that doesn't mean Willie is a racist. It's not like I care enough about the comments to not play Fantasy Football with him, lol.

It's all just a game to me, I know how much it pisses Willie off so I roll with it when he attacks me. If he simply said he made some inappropriate comments, there would be nothing else I would say about it. And the second he made his rant in the FF League, I knew I wouldn't be joining. So my comments are not meant as an attempt to join, it's more to bring out how big of a bitch Willie is.

Did I want to bring you or other normal people in to this, absolutely not. This is what Willie and I have been doing for 5 years and it's between us two. There is obviously a very large population of conservatives on this site, so it's not surprising he has a lot of backing. It's like that, no matter what I post.

I simply can leave beefs to where they belong. And I'd never act like a child over a $500 FF league. I'd even play if Schiff was in it and that dude is truly a nut case... lol.

It's all good man.

New member
Sep 19, 2005
Who knows how AK interprets things? He doesnt understand basic words like "willful" so that says a lot regarding his mental ability.

New member
Dec 16, 2011
Dude....in all seriousness, you need some help.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Who knows how AK interprets things? He doesnt understand basic words like "willful" so that says a lot regarding his mental ability.

i already admitted I used the wrong context of willful in that situation. Not sure what you want me to do about it, lol.

New member
Sep 19, 2005
i already admitted I used the wrong context of willful in that situation. Not sure what you want me to do about it, lol.

You also called me and others "retards" in that thread merely for pointing out that you were wrong which was proven time and time again. So I'll be happy to point it out anytime I want.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
You also called me and others "retards" in that thread merely for pointing out that you were wrong which was proven time and time again. So I'll be happy to point it out anytime I want.

That's fine. If you are that much of a psycho that you care so much about when I said willful in the wrong context, feel free. You seem really sane.

New member
Sep 19, 2005
That's fine. If you are that much of a psycho that you care so much about when I said willful in the wrong context, feel free. You seem really sane.

So says the guy who called everyone a retard for correcting you. As far as being "sane", Im pretty sure the majority of the board would consider me more sane than you.

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