AK and Willies pissing contest thread.


New member
Oct 19, 2007
Damn dude, me saying you're a weird guy and you calling me every name you can think of are pretty different. Most of us are weird guys. You sound kind of like a violent guy as well. Just full of rage and hate.

Don't play innocent, lol. You went back and forth with me the whole time trying to get in a fight. You accomplished your mission. Feel good about yourself?

Oct 31, 2004
I thought Justin cruise was the most socially awkward person at this place.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
Chop, we've been friends for years here and it all crumbled in 3 days over an incident that neither of us had control over. I admit I brought you in to this unfairly and put you in a horrible position. It was literally over my disgust with Willie's actions. I'll refrain from posting in your FF thread and I'll stop trying to make you the bad guy. Because I don't think neither of us are bad people. I took things way way too far with you and I apologize for that. I hope not all was ruined over this. I admit I go over the top at times especially against people who do not deserve it. My sincerest apologies man. You have always been a good dude, just got a little heated and there's no reason to let Willies decision affect us. My bad bro.

May 27, 2007
Are you sure about that? Is he making or involved in Team decisions? Think he was involved in the Dawes and Farmar signings? http://www.sportingnews.com/nba/sto...ale-steve-ballmer-paul-pierce-shelly-sterling
I don't want to revisit the Sterling Fiasco, but to say ANYTHING is definitive on it is just wrong.

It can't be any clearer than the NBA Commissioner himself saying Sterling is still the Clipper's owner.

[h=1]Silver: No guarantee on D. Sterling[/h]LAS VEGAS -- NBA commissioner Adam Silver addressed media after the NBA's Board of Governors meeting with a variety of information on how the NBA product might improve.

What he couldn't promise, though, was the extrication of Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling, who remains in a legal dispute with the league over his contested ownership of the team, before the beginning of the 2014-15 season.

"I can't say with certainty because it's in the hands of the probate court right now, and Donald is in the process of suing us for lots of money and we're defending ourselves against those lawsuits," Silver said.

While Silver continues to profess that the NBA will prevail in either getting Sterling to sell the Clippers or wresting control of the team from him via the legal system, the commissioner could not give ironclad assurances.

"It's difficult to say anything with certainty in a situation like this," Silver said. "I can say with certainty that we are doing everything in our power to move Donald out as an owner in the NBA."

The commissioner announced that the NBA has yet to approve ex-Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer, whose $2 billion bid on the team was accepted on May 30 by Shelly Sterling in a written agreement.

In addition to the update on the Clippers situation, Silver spoke of several changes and proposals. He announced that the NBA's replay review system will be aided by a replay center in Secaucus, New Jersey. Silver also floated the idea of a televised NBA awards show, and a midseason tournament.

Silver also addressed his thoughts on LeBron James' decision to leave the Miami Heat for the Cleveland Cavaliers, a decision he learned of on Twitter, "when virtually everyone else learned about it." Silver said he was moved by James' statement that appeared in Sports Illustrated.

"I've gotten to know LeBron pretty well over the years," Silver said. "From that standpoint, I really am more like a fan. This seemed to be a great moment for the league. And again, I understand it's Miami's loss, but that's always going to be an issue when you have such a transcendent player like LeBron."

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
At first I thought it was kinda nit picky Willie not wanting Ak in the league.

But after what I've seen the last 3 days he was right. I was wrong.

Good call Willie.
You are much better at picking fantasy members then predicting election results.

thank you, I think :)

and although I agree with much of what you have said recently, I want it noted I have a few objections that I might use when I bring my case against you to appeals

it appears you often times can't hide your hate for "yankees", you act like you're still fighting the war :)

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
"It's difficult to say anything with certainty in a situation like this," Silver said. "I can say with certainty that we are doing everything in our power to move Donald out as an owner in the NBA."

that's the issue in our discussion about Sterling in a nutshell. Most of the free world thought this, most of us think the case is not black and white (pun intended), most of us realize it involves complex and unprecedented legal matters, while others have argued it's a done deal already based on his own "real world experience" with such matters, ignoring the fact that the case is unprecedented and nobody has experience with such matters.

In any event, this Silver quote puts that debate to bed, game set match, the fat lady has left the building and ate a 6 course mean and is now resting comfortably at home and in bed . Although I suppose somebody will still argue otherwise

New member
Sep 19, 2005
Akphidelt also stated that Sterling would never even bother challenging any attempt to sale. He even said Sterling's attorneys would advise him to not pursue any action whatsoever. Ask yourself this, why on earth would Sterling's attorney advise him to not pursue a legitimate and valid claim? Not only would it have been borderline legal malpractice but the attorneys would also be saying "no thanks" to what could easily amount to seven figures of legal fees.

Well they just happen to be right in the middle of challenging Shelley's authority to execute the documents when she attempted to sell the team so he was dead wrong on these two issues but would never admit it.

His life basically revolved around those Sterling threads and when he thought he was right, he went through the thread and quoted everyone including myself to show how we were "wrong." Of course it was way premature and he has been proven to be dead wrong since. His antics embarrassed him so bad he refused to simply go back in the thread and say, "I was wrong. I didn't see that coming."

His only excuse for not going back into the Sterling thread is that it has been moved to the Rubber Room. Well guess where we are? No problem arguing in this thread.

And I'll save you your obvious reply that "it's hilarious" that I came into this thread. I simply searched "Sterling" to see if there had been any updates in the case and this thread popped up.

Difference between you and I is that I was genuinely interested in the outcome of what was a very unique set of facts. Huge legal consequences. Great interplay between law and sports on the biggest stage. What could've been a great thread and intelligent conversation was ruined by your inability to act like an adult.

It's not a coincidence or a conspiracy that you had to be banned. Probably wasn't the first time. Probably won't be the last. But blame away. Bury your head in the sand. It's everyone else's fault. The other posters, the mods, everyone must just be out to get you AK. Ignore the fact that the only common denominator is you.
Sep 21, 2004
Eh, we've made mistakes before, lol! Don't think he's a Willie type guy but the day he tried to defend a comment someone made that "for every one black guy there are 10 that will cut you and take your wallet", I lost all respect for him. Now he just trolls me and bitches to mods about me posting in 2-3 threads in the offshore forum. I honestly think he's a little pussy. Just in a different way than the Zit/Willie types.

Excuse me?
Sep 21, 2004
Your call, but when you insult quality guys like Enfuego and Chop, it makes the legit, deserved insults that guys like Wrong Way, Zit, Dave, Casper carry less weight, IMO. Choose your fights selectively, is gonna be my last advice to you tonight. (

Go fuck yourself, sewer rat.
Sep 21, 2004
Wow man.
Have you never read a single post from me ever?

I have called out Willie many times. Willie himself will tell you that.
As a matter of fact me and Willie disagree about things 50% of the time or more.
Im a realist and he's not.
He makes his predictions based on what he wants to happen.
I make my predictions based on what I think will happen.

Its just 2 different ways of thinking.

We may both want the same guy to win and 2.5 years ago this was the case.
But I was capable of going beyond my wants and making my predictions based on reality.
Some people can't do that. This does not make them bad people.

Its analytical vs emotional.
This does not make me better or smarter then Willie.
Its just that we are wired differently.

I have had more then my share of post laughing at willies election predictions.

And I might add that I have been on your side on many Willie vs Ak issues in the past.

But I am learning you have absolutely zero socials skills whatsoever.
Bashing every person and calling them an idiot every single time someone has the slightest disagreement with you is downright gross and immature.

You are just so over the top you're unbearable man.
You are turning into one of those types that I don't even want to agree with you even when I do.

You twist words to mean what you want them to mean based on the situation.

I can't stand it when people do that.

For you to say I have never called out Willie tells me you are either not paying attention or you're a liar.

In either case it's a bad thing.

But one thing I truly learned in all this is if I had to pick someone to drink a beer with between you and Willie it would be Willie.

Your over the top overbearing attitude is disgusting.

You are the exact type of person I try to avoid in real life at all cost.

This pretty much sums it up perfectly.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Excuse me?

Go fuck yourself, sewer rat.

c'mon man, you can't possibly be upset with the fact that they put you and me in the same class, and you can't expect them to be anything but ridiculously stupid, you simply can't expect anything different

I will concede one thing though, you do still waste your time trying to be respectable and cordial my friend, but that's your loss

it's like trying to reason with Barry, Harry and Nancy, it's like talking to a cement wall

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
This pretty much sums it up perfectly.

and no, it's not perfect either :)

I'm very much a realist, and he thinks the Saints are the best team in football :)
Sep 21, 2004
c'mon man, you can't possibly be upset with the fact that they put you and me in the same class, and you can't expect them to be anything but ridiculously stupid, you simply can't expect anything different

I will concede one thing though, you do still waste your time trying to be respectable and cordial my friend, but that's your loss

it's like trying to reason with Barry, Harry and Nancy, it's like talking to a cement wall

I gave up trying to be respectable to Guesser/Sewer rat.

I can't figure out AKPhiDelt, he seems to be digging his own grave... if he keeps this up, his days are numbered around here.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
fratfraud trying to debate anyone on any topic:


New member
Oct 19, 2007
c'mon man, you can't possibly be upset with the fact that they put you and me in the same class, and you can't expect them to be anything but ridiculously stupid, you simply can't expect anything different

I will concede one thing though, you do still waste your time trying to be respectable and cordial my friend, but that's your loss

it's like trying to reason with Barry, Harry and Nancy, it's like talking to a cement wall

I put Zit in the same class with you because it's bad enough that you are a racist with documented proof, but when shown the documented proof he completely denies it, he belongs in your class.

You made some very racist comments, I called you out for it, now you are butt hurt. And your buddies definitely aren't ever going to admit they are racist because they know your pussy ass would come down on them and maybe prevent them from joining a league you are in, lol.

One of the biggest bitch moves I've seen and you are proud of it. All because I told the truth. Embarrassing.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
I gave up trying to be respectable to Guesser/Sewer rat.

I can't figure out AKPhiDelt, he seems to be digging his own grave... if he keeps this up, his days are numbered around here.

The fact you can read Willie's comments exchanging the working class and tax payers with the white voters and the non-working class/tax payers being minorities who voted for Obama is sickening. I just have no respect for you. Here's another one...

As for the election itself, it was unprecedented on so many levels, also a fact. Never in the modern era has a president performed so badly and win, and never in our history has such a vast minority overcome a 60/40 taxpaying majority.

Even PatsFan called his ass out for making up these numbers. But Willie wasn't making anything up. He was just making racist comments. All he is saying here is that the vast minority, aka non white people, overcame a 60/40 taxpaying majority (aka white people).

It's as racist as it gets, lol. And you still deny it just because he's part of your little cult.

And I'm not going anywhere, I haven't said anything to anyone that wasn't the truth.
Sep 21, 2004
I put Zit in the same class with you because it's bad enough that you are a racist with documented proof, but when shown the documented proof he completely denies it, he belongs in your class.

You made some very racist comments, I called you out for it, now you are butt hurt. And your buddies definitely aren't ever going to admit they are racist because they know your pussy ass would come down on them and maybe prevent them from joining a league you are in, lol.

One of the biggest bitch moves I've seen and you are proud of it. All because I told the truth. Embarrassing.

I've already explained multiple times at a 3rd grade reading level why you are wrong, but you just can't get it through your thick skull.

You've got a grand total of two people agreeing with you, the forum sewer rat and GTC08 who is the biggest racist in here. Like I said, the more you press this bullshit, the more everyone in here sees your true colors.

New member
Oct 19, 2007
I've already explained multiple times at a 3rd grade reading level why you are wrong, but you just can't get it through your thick skull.

You've got a grand total of two people agreeing with you, the forum sewer rat and GTC08 who is the biggest racist in here. Like I said, the more you press this bullshit, the more everyone in here sees your true colors.

Lol, you explained how saying white people are the tax payers and working class in America and minorities are not... is not a racist comment?

That's amazing, how did you explain it again? Lmao.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I've already explained multiple times at a 3rd grade reading level why you are wrong, but you just can't get it through your thick skull.

You've got a grand total of two people agreeing with you, the forum sewer rat and GTC08 who is the biggest racist in here. Like I said, the more you press this bullshit, the more everyone in here sees your true colors.

fratfraud is the biggest laughingstock this forum has ever seen. But then that's true on every forum he's posted in. lol

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