Speaking of the internet , is that where you picked up the " antivaxxers slogan ?Lol. Why are antivaxxers and hoaxers always the dumbest and lowest class of society? All the antivaxxing crowards I see are always full of inbred, uneducated morons.
I've already stated that vaccines are also about limiting the severity of symptoms so people don't clog up limited resources in the hospital. How hard is that to understand?
Your kind is not worth my time. Beneath me, Lol. But but but the internet said.....Lol. The internet was the worst thing to happen to dumb uneducated people. Because now they think they are smart and Google can replace post secondary education.
I haven't heard one comment yet on this forum or anywhere else for that matter where the argument is about vaccines as a whole.. But smart guys such as yourself keep interjecting that nonsense.. at least try staying on subject, instead of googling catch phrases..