Guesser has the right to believe whatever he wants. Most everyone here is Right of him. I feel comfortable with my own views being reasonably Right of him. Still others here are far Right of me. Anyhow no use continuing to pummel TG in post after post for an opinion to which he's going to adhere anyway. The only thing that might change his mind are events yet to unfold.
Zit you have a sensitive situation with your friend. You have to decide if your curiousity is worth it. And you have to be prepared in the event that you do not get the response you are hoping for. The best way to do it I think would be approaching him after a game and saying, "Hey, I have a sensitive subject to ask you about; got a few minutes?" What you really are trying to find out I suppose is if he is a follower of sharia law, or whether he is an American patriot first. You can go slow by asking him where he was born, if he prays 5X a day, etc. By his reactions you'll know whether to keep going. Or you can just ask him straight out.