The video demonstrates he was on a path to discovery. Andrew Breitbart wasn't some .org blogger. He was an extremely influential and fearless media mogul who had the power to take down the Kenyan. He proved it with Acorn. The lamestream media ignored Acorn, but Breitbart just kept coming with more videos and evidence.
The fact is, anyone who does their own research will eventually arrive at the same conclusion: Barrack Hussein Obama/Barry Soetoro - birthplace unknown. So 'birther' or no 'birther' he would have ended up in the same place.
Unlike others, Andrew Breitbart had no bodyguards. Hours before he was about to make history and take down the Messiah, he dropped dead in the middle of a street right in the open.
Official cause of death: heart attack.
Btw, the ONLY eyewitness who claimed to see Andrew Breitbart collapse has gone missing:
"EXCERPT: “The only eyewitness to the sudden death of conservative activist Andrew Breitbart, Christopher Lasseter, has seemed to disappear. A private investigator has been unable to locate the 26-year-old Lasseter. Christopher Lasseter is the eyewitness who claims to have seen Andrew Breitbart drop to the sidewalk in front of a restaurant. His disappearance now adds to the mystery surrounding Breitbart’s March 1 death. In addition to Lasseter’s disappearance, on the day that Los Angeles County coroner released Breitbart’s autopsy report, one of their photographic technicians suddenly died.”