You do realize, the didn't write his "own bio". It was an error by an editor, who acknowledged the mistake. Of course you do. It doesn't matter in your lunatic world, where FACTS are discarded when they don't fit the needed lie, that is attempting to be spread.
How about the TRUTH on whether you posted as Joe Contrarian on this forum? That one's easy. The Truth will ALWAYS win Out. ALWAYS.
What a load of hot steaming crap!
You honestly expect REASONABLE PEOPLE to believe he didn't know about his own bio? face)(*^%
How come nobody in the media ever bothered to ask him about it?
And how come nobody in the media was ever allowed to inspect his phony birth certificate? Oh wait, silly me... ONE airhead reporter was allowed to "feel the raised seal" who frankly wouldn't know a birth certificate from a death certificate.
And speaking of death certificate, nothing coincidental about Breitbart dying hours before he was about to expose the Kenyan. And nothing fishy about the LA coroner's assistant being killed by arson poisoning mere hours after they released the primarily Breitbart autopsy findings. Nothing weird about Michael Hastings Mercedes blowing up after he told his friends and loved ones that he feared for his life, either. And certainly nothing remotely strange about the only HI official who "verified" the Kenyan's birth certificate dying in a plane crash, while all others on board miraculously survived.
Nothing remotely suspicious about any of this.
Oh yeah, and the one person and witness who registered Baby Barack's birth died mysteriously during his presidential campaign. No media or autopsy and her remains were instantly cremated. Not a peep from the Kenyan, except when he threw her under the bus for being his "white racist Grandma" after a Rev Wright video surfaced.
The whole thing stinks to high heaven, but we are so inundated with scandal and crime from this regime that most people have become numb to it. Most people just bow their heads in shame and hope to hell it doesn't get any worse.