A simple logic problem

Sep 21, 2004
I see two conflicting points of logic, and it's fucking with my mind.

On one hand, I know that if you talked to one million dads in this instance, and you knew that they all had two and only two kids, and they all mentioned 1 son, then I know that 2/3 of the rest would be girls.

But at the same time, if a guy walking down the street tells me he has two kids, and one of them is Albert Pujols, why should I assume anything about his other kid?

I'm tired of thinking.

Illini, if he says one of them is Albert Pujols, that is a different
question and would be 50/50.

The point is, the other question is worded purposefully so that you
have to allow for BG and GB.

J-Man Rx NFL Pick 4 Champion for 2005
Apr 20, 2001
Marilyn Vos Savant posed this same problem in one of her columns,
and they ended up doing a survey and got 18,000 responses. She
worded it to find the probability given no girls, that they both are boys.

"Finally vos Savant started a survey, calling on women readers with exactly two children and at least one boy to tell her the sex of both children. With almost eighteen thousand responses, the results showed 35.9% (a little over 1 in 3) with two boys."


That should finally put all the BS on here to rest.
You are all interpreting the results incorrectly. Of course since you already know that one of his 2 children is a boy, the chances that there would be far more boys out of the 18,000 responses is a Duh No brainer. the question being asked is what are the chances that the second unidentified child is a boy or a girl. 50/50 is the correct answer to that question and nothing in the aformentioned Vos Savant survey contrdicts that fact. Math is Math ! Read the question closely before you jump to the wrong conclusion. The only reason the chances are 35.9 % of 2 boys is because you already know one is a boy. If the second child has a 50/50 chance of being a girl or boy.... Duh .. We have a far greater percentage of boys to girls !
Sep 21, 2004
You are all interpreting the results incorrectly. Of course since you already know that one of his 2 children is a boy, the chances that there would be far more boys out of the 18,000 responses is a Duh No brainer. the question being asked is what are the chances that the second unidentified child is a boy or a girl. 50/50 is the correct answer to that question and nothing in the aformentioned Vos Savant survey contrdicts that fact. Math is Math ! Read the question closely before you jump to the wrong conclusion. The only reason the chances are 35.9 % of 2 boys is because you already know one is a boy. If the second child has a 50/50 chance of being a girl or boy.... Duh .. We have a far greater percentage of boys to girls !

Sigh... here we go again... :ohno:

Sep 21, 2004
Illini, if he says one of them is Albert Pujols, that is a different
question and would be 50/50.

The point is, the other question is worded purposefully so that you
have to allow for BG and GB.
But how is it different?
Sep 21, 2004
Problem 1:
Given a family with two kids, [at least] one of them is male, what
is the probability they have a daughter?
Answer 1: 2/3

Problem 2:
Given a family with two kids, the older one is male, what is
the probability that they have a daughter?
Answer 2: 1/2

Sep 21, 2004
Problem 1:
Given a family with two kids, [at least] one of them is male, what
is the probability they have a daughter?
Answer 1: 2/3

Problem 2:
Given a family with two kids, the older one is male, what is
the probability that they have a daughter?
Answer 2: 1/2
But why are you assuming that Albert is his oldest child?

Sep 21, 2004
I'm not.. I'm just illustrating that once the problem is worded to
isolate one individual child and point to the other, the answer
I'm just thinking like this.

Me: Yo, man you're a good basketball player.
Dude: Thanks, bro.

Me: You got any kids? Maybe they can go pro if they have your talent?
Dude: Actually, bro. I got two kids, and one of them is Kobe Bryant.

Me: No shit? That's awesome.

Now why should I assume ANYTHING about his other kid?
Sep 21, 2004
I'm just thinking like this.

Me: Yo, man you're a good basketball player.
Dude: Thanks, bro.

Me: You got any kids? Maybe they can go pro if they have your talent?
Dude: Actually, bro. I got two kids, and one of them is Kobe Bryant.

Me: No shit? That's awesome.

Now why should I assume ANYTHING about his other kid?

The answer in this situation would be that the other kid is 50/50
a boy or girl.

But that is a different problem than the guy saying "I have two kids,
and [at least] one of them is male"
Dec 21, 2008
Illini, let it go....it fucked with my head all last night. Thought I was right and then....I didn't give a fuck. Its tricky though...


Sep 21, 2004
The answer in this situation would be that the other kid is 50/50
a boy or girl.

But that is a different problem than the guy saying "I have two kids,
and [at least] one of them is male"
I don't think this situation is different than the question that was posed.

This guy has two kids, one of them is male (Kobe), and we don't know if Kobe is the oldest or the youngest.

It seems like the same exact question to me.

Jul 25, 2008
I havent read through this thread but I will say that it is pretty likely that the other child is a girl.I cant say 100percent because you never know about how folks these days.But if he is a pretty normal guy, Im saying its nearly certain that the other child is a girl.
Sep 21, 2004
Yet another explanation:


* If a family has two children and the older one is a boy, what is the probability that the younger child is a girl?
* If a family has two children and at least one of them is a boy, what is the probability that the family also contains a girl?

These questions both look quite innocent, and most people will quickly reply that since the probability of a child being a girl is ½, the answer to both the above questions is ½. We could easily leap to this conclusion too, but we would, of course, be wrong. Though they may seem to be asking the same thing, these questions actually lead to different answers and are the basis of a mildly confusing problem known as the Boy or Girl Paradox.

The Correct Answers

To be fair, ½ is in fact the correct answer to the first question. Let us represent a boy with 'B' and a girl with 'G', with the older child coming first, and assume that the boy:girl ratio is precisely 50:50. This produces four possible combinations: BB, BG, GB and GG. However, in the case of the first question, we are told that the older child is a boy, thus rendering the combinations GB and GG impossible. We are thus left with BB and BG, in which one out of the two equal possibilities contains a girl as the younger child. The probability of the younger child being a girl is thus ½.

* Two children → combinations are BB, BG, GB, GG.
* The older child is a boy → combinations are BB, BG.
* Probability of one child being a girl is thus ½.

Now let us look at the second question, which states that at least one of the children is a boy. This means that out of the four possibilities, only GG is impossible owing to the fact that it does not contain a boy. As the second question does not state whether the boy is the older or the younger child, it is possible to have any one of GB, BG or BB. In other words, the boy we know of could have an older sister, a younger sister or a brother1.

Note that the last possibility, BB, should only be counted once. This point can be confusing and thus merits a further explaination. First, let us look at GB and BG:

* GB = there is a younger boy who has an older sister.
* BG = there is an older boy who has a younger sister.

Clearly, these two situations are different, and thus represent two distinct possibilities. However, let us treat the ways in which BB might occur in the same manner:

* BB = there is a younger boy who has an older brother.
* BB = there is an older boy who has a younger brother.

Unlike the first pair of sentences, the ones for BB both describe the same situation - the words we use to describe BB simply depends on which of the boys we think the question has already referred to. BB is therefore only one possibility out of three, and thus has a 1⁄3 probability of occurring. On the other hand, having an older boy and a younger girl is different to having an older girl and a younger boy, and the probability of the family including a girl is therefore 2⁄3.

* Two children → combinations are BB, BG, GB, GG.
* At least one child is a boy → combinations are BB, BG, GB.
* Probability of one child being a girl is 2⁄3.

Why Is It A Paradox?

The above puzzle is referred to as a paradox simply because the solution is quite counter-intuitive. Having looked at the first question and decided on an answer of ½, the average person will decide that there is no real difference between the two questions, thus reasoning that the answer to both questions is exactly the same. They will then become rather upset upon being told that they are wrong and will argue that the person showing them the puzzle is being very silly, and walk off in a huff. This last step is part of many paradoxes, and also occurs as a result of trying to explain the Monty Hall problem, which is in fact even more confusing than this one.

1 It's also possible that the two children are twins, but if we assume that one was born just before the other we can avoid complicating the situation.

New member
Aug 24, 2008
A man tells you he has two children. He then starts talking about his son. He does not tell you whether the son is the oldest child or the youngest child. What is the probability that his other child is a girl?


I'll change my answer to 100%

It's a trick question.

The guy talks about his son, implying only one son (strongly), otherwise he would say "my older ( or younger) boy" or something like that, if he had two sons. In particular after first telling you he has two kids.

Winner, btw. Although I wouldn't bother calling it a "trick" question.

Sep 21, 2004

I still see two conflicting points of logic. The Kobe Bryant example, which you admit is 50%, is exactly like the question posed.

On the other hand, it's 2/3, if you are comparing it with all other 2 child families.

This is irreconcilable in my mind.

gerhart got hosed
Oct 2, 2004
Take 2 coins.

One is heads (boy)...leave it there.

Flip the second coin 1000 times. avg. 500 heads(boy)/ 500 tails(girl).

Odds of girl 50%.

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