Just so I can build a strategy down the home stretch, how would the payout work if the contest ended today?
Franco and wizardofodd split first place and second place prize as well as last unbeaten? From there the 6 of us with one strike would split $750 3rd place or would we get no payout since we have one strike ?
thanks, hopefully you understand what I’m saying. I’ve just never done a two strike pool before so just want to clarify
There are two people with 2 strikes remaining (the last two unbeaten teams) and 6 people with 1 strike remaining. That's a total of 10 strikes remaining, which coincidentally makes my math easy
1) The two unbeaten teams split the last unbeaten pot of $ 1,500, they get $ 750 each.
2) I would then take the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place payouts, a total of $ 13,500, and allocate that based on strikes remaining. The two teams with 2 strikes remaining get 20% each, the other 6 teams with 1 strike remaining get 10% each.
3) Two strikes remaining receive $ 2,700 each, one strike remaining receives $ 1,350 each.
The two teams with two strikes remaining receive a total of $ 3,450 each, the other six teams receive $ 1,350, a total of $ 15,000
Before I modify any payouts, every team remaining in the hunt would have to provide unanimous consent. That means all eight teams would have to agree. One person says no, original payout plan remains intact
This post is in response to a question asked, and is for discussion purposes only. There has been no proposals made, there is no vote to be had save for the last two unbeaten teams splitting the $ 1,500 pot (that vote involves those two teams only)