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Sep 21, 2004
Isn't more money to Americans the democrat plan? They did want to do $1,200 and republican senators such as Ron Johnson shot it down.

Albeit i haven't been following this closely.

Jan 5, 2008
Isn't more money to Americans the democrat plan? They did want to do $1,200 and republican senators such as Ron Johnson shot it down.

Albeit i haven't been following this closely.

Both parties secretly just want to give out Burger King Whopper BOGO coupons. But they have to stick to the WWF script and pretend they see things differently from one party to the other. End of the day they are all the same. Curtains drop and they all grab some liquor drinks and laugh then probably sacrifice a goat.

my clock is stuck on 420 time to hit this bong
Sep 21, 2004
Both parties secretly just want to give out Burger King Whopper BOGO coupons. But they have to stick to the WWF script and pretend they see things differently from one party to the other. End of the day they are all the same. Curtains drop and they all grab some liquor drinks and laugh then probably sacrifice a goat.
So true it’s truly pathetic we’re reliving the Salem witch trials in modern day. So much for evolving

my clock is stuck on 420 time to hit this bong
Sep 21, 2004

Ok, I've got to hear this one. How does this bill get you to a comparison of the Salem Witch Trials?
I was generalizing on the new norms of modern day society and elite thinking which is completely ass backwards . It has zero relevance to the bill other then the stupidity of how we got here

Nov 17, 2004
I was generalizing on the new norms of modern day society and elite thinking which is completely ass backwards . It has zero relevance to the bill other then the stupidity of how we got here

Well, the reaction to the pork on this bill is nothing more than hysterics as pretty much all bills have it and as stated, it's about 1/2%. Not to mention the part that people are losing their minds over probably didn't even come from the 'stimulus' portion of the bill as that is just a part of the total spending bill. We got to this point because of a virus and the reaction to it (i.e. closing down businesses and fear mongering). And if the government is going to implement restrictions like that, I think it's reasonable that you need to provide some relief to the broad range of businesses and people impacted by it. Please elaborate on the "stupidity" part.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Most of these Republicans can die off
Him, Graham, Crenshaw
90% of them

More foreign aid, illegals, refugees, visas
Who doesn't want that?
Why in the fuck would anyone sign on to this?

That's the stuff he wants to eliminate, but that's NOT part of the VIRUS relief bill. The VIRUS relief is 900 billion, the rest of this 2.4 trillion dollar bill is more "traditional" budgeting . Stated differently, the virus relief provisions were included in a budget bill. Right, wrong or indifferent, it's how they roll in DC.

Then if someone votes against the bill because they don't want to give 10 million dollars to Pakistan for "sensitivity training", every democrat in DC starts screaming, and their media echos, such person is killing Americans and he doesn't want to help Americans. Their base swallows and regurgitates, and I just shake my head.

my clock is stuck on 420 time to hit this bong
Sep 21, 2004
I’m pointing out how truly pathetic of a situation we are even in to have to conjure up money that doesn’t exist that has zero backing to hand out to people . Read up on Washington and Lee professors and what there proposing on black votes should be counted as 2. All of this crazy shit that has really surfaced since the pandemic started is what I’m comparing to society forget the money that’s just a tool to obey no different then a child growing up and realizing it’s time to cut the chord from his parents and do things for himself. Once you accept the handout you’ve accepted there thinking . Any person who speaks out against any of there thoughts that holds a job within there institutions is completely ostracized . That is my elaboration on the stupidity referencing Salem witch trials. Pretty scary what people will do to have power especially in a modern day society.what happens when the mob diasgrees?

my clock is stuck on 420 time to hit this bong
Sep 21, 2004
Well, the reaction to the pork on this bill is nothing more than hysterics as pretty much all bills have it and as stated, it's about 1/2%. Not to mention the part that people are losing their minds over probably didn't even come from the 'stimulus' portion of the bill as that is just a part of the total spending bill. We got to this point because of a virus and the reaction to it (i.e. closing down businesses and fear mongering). And if the government is going to implement restrictions like that, I think it's reasonable that you need to provide some relief to the broad range of businesses and people impacted by it. Please elaborate on the "stupidity" part.
My son flew home to say goodbye to his aunt that is checking out soon. He is going back home Sunday. The first question everyone asks is does she have COVID? Do you think that’s a natural instinctive thought or has that been trained?

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
No doubt, as a nation we're fucked in the head. Some much more so than others, some are off the wall ridiculously ignorant.

If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

My advice is this. Live your life and do the right thing, be honest, be proud, be happy, and don't let this stuff ruin your day.

By all means talk, be reasonable, stay informed and vote. But don't let this stuff ruin your day.

People whom take care of themselves will be fine, it's tradition. People looking for government solutions will stay miserable because they're voting for a lost cause. Take care of yourself, be happy, that's all you can really do

Defender of the Faith
Aug 13, 2005
Republicans: "Socialism is bad!"

Also Republicans: "Yes! Trump wants to give us $2000 instead of $600! He is fighting for us!"

Sep 20, 2017
Republicans: "Socialism is bad!"

Also Republicans: "Yes! Trump wants to give us $2000 instead of $600! He is fighting for us!"

This retarded statement has been made a million times
Not socialism when the government fucks things up
Forces people to lockdown and makes it complicated to work
I was never for a stimulus because I was never for a shutdown
Once the idiots went totalitarian...I no longer care
Is it really socialism if you reroute the money from foreign aid to Americans?

They have been giving our money away forever to these dumps

Nov 17, 2004
I’m pointing out how truly pathetic of a situation we are even in to have to conjure up money that doesn’t exist that has zero backing to hand out to people . Read up on Washington and Lee professors and what there proposing on black votes should be counted as 2. All of this crazy shit that has really surfaced since the pandemic started is what I’m comparing to society forget the money that’s just a tool to obey no different then a child growing up and realizing it’s time to cut the chord from his parents and do things for himself. Once you accept the handout you’ve accepted there thinking . Any person who speaks out against any of there thoughts that holds a job within there institutions is completely ostracized . That is my elaboration on the stupidity referencing Salem witch trials. Pretty scary what people will do to have power especially in a modern day society.what happens when the mob diasgrees?

So they close down people's businesses, and use the media to put the fear of God in people regarding this virus and you think if someone takes a handout, they're part of their thinking?! I'm sorry, how does that work? And it's easy to say just don't vote for those type of politicians, but honestly I doubt in my lifetime or yours that it's going to change. We currently have an estimated 25% of all restaurants going bankrupt in Texas. These are hard-working people that absolutely wanted to keep their businesses running. They weren't looking for any kind of a handout. But to make such a blanket statement as yours, in my opinion is incredibly callous.

My son flew home to say goodbye to his aunt that is checking out soon. He is going back home Sunday. The first question everyone asks is does she have COVID? Do you think that’s a natural instinctive thought or has that been trained?

Clearly the media is complicit with this whole fear-mongering of the virus. So yes, right now that would be a question I would expect people to ask

Rx Alchemist.
Aug 16, 2007
Republicans: "Socialism is bad!"

Also Republicans: "Yes! Trump wants to give us $2000 instead of $600! He is fighting for us!"

Total fail. This is the critical thinking that public education gets you.

The money that is being 'given' to the people is money that has been confiscated by the government. Yes Socialism is bad.

Defender of the Faith
Aug 13, 2005
Total fail. This is the critical thinking that public education gets you.

The money that is being 'given' to the people is money that has been confiscated by the government. Yes Socialism is bad.

No it's not. It's money the government is going to print.

Trump has added 3.9 Trillion to the deficit. Biggest spending socialist president ever!

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
This retarded statement has been made a million times
Not socialism when the government fucks things up
Forces people to lockdown and makes it complicated to work
I was never for a stimulus because I was never for a shutdown
Once the idiots went totalitarian...I no longer care
Is it really socialism if you reroute the money from foreign aid to Americans?

They have been giving our money away forever to these dumps

They don't understand the nuances of the truth

They live in a black and white world, pun 1000% intended. Simple minds make simple arguments

Jul 23, 2020
No doubt, as a nation we're fucked in the head. Some much more so than others, some are off the wall ridiculously ignorant.

If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the problem.

My advice is this. Live your life and do the right thing, be honest, be proud, be happy, and don't let this stuff ruin your day.

By all means talk, be reasonable, stay informed and vote. But don't let this stuff ruin your day.

People whom take care of themselves will be fine, it's tradition. People looking for government solutions will stay miserable because they're voting for a lost cause. Take care of yourself, be happy, that's all you can really do

Somewhat disagree with this. Because too many of us just live our lives and mind our own business, it allows the elite elected to do whatever the hell they want.

A lot of what I suspected about our federal government has really come to light the last year. And it's absolutely disgusting. And levels of government way past just the three branches of government are absolutely corrupt to the core. FBI, CIA, etc. All corrupt as hell.

It will continue as long as people just live their lives and do nothing. I'm not sure what the solution is. But anyone that loves this country, needs to start paying attention and get involved. ASAP.

Defender of the Faith
Aug 13, 2005
"When the debate is lost, slander becomes the tool of the loser."

- Socrates, or somebody smart

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