Lmfaoooo you’ll never match what I’ve shared here. Never in your lifetime.
But oh I should leave now? Because why? Because I denounced you klannies and you don’t like it? Because why else? Before I was respected. I still am way more respected than you or any of you klannies. What I’ve done for the last 10 years will still outmatch what you 35 trump supporters do for the next 10. And that’s factual. I told you to stand up for what’s right. The rest of the world is now. Dumb ass ignorant klannies like you aren’t though. Hmmmm. Stay stuck in your bubble
Didn't say you should leave. Said it was comical that you think people care about your opinion.
Carry on.
PS Three "klannies" refs in one paragraph, that's good even for you.
Epigraph on MD's headstone:
Year Born - Year Passed
"Dominated An Internet Forum"
Lmfaoooo you’ll never match what I’ve shared here. Never in your lifetime.
But oh I should leave now? Because why? Because I denounced you klannies and you don’t like it? Because why else? Before I was respected. I still am way more respected than you or any of you klannies. What I’ve done for the last 10 years will still outmatch what you 35 trump supporters do for the next 10. And that’s factual. I told you to stand up for what’s right. The rest of the world is now. Dumb ass ignorant klannies like you aren’t though. Hmmmm. Stay stuck in your bubble
This forum is a great representation of America. Look at who is stirring up all the drama and wants things to be THEIR WAY. Outsiders are not allowed. People who are different are not allowed. This is what you losers depict here. And losers like harreycarey co-sign it by saying absolutely nothing ever
Do other peoples opinion matter to you?The world is changing. This forum has been changing. I think it’s clear my opinion does matter and I do have a voice. But whatever makes you sleep at night daddy boy little fairy. You’re a bench warmer