for the record. ctp modified 3 of his previous plays and they are all AL plays no NL. one play on his previous format still shows up for today. i'm finding out if he still want those as is or 86 them for today on. also to make as clean as cut off as possible and keep future tracking easy i'm going to have the pivot tables reflect w/l since august 1st and not his entire time period of tracking etc, which is only 14 games (not sure what that record will be on each yet as i cant do a refresh all until tomorrow w/o screwing up the numbers because of only half of the daily data being there. you can put these numbers down somewhere for your own refrence for his w/l of those three new trend areas A1 was 7-1, A2 was 16-3, A3 was 10-2. that's all i have on this subject now and will set up the new col once i get a clairfication from him