19 year old dating a 16 year old....acceptable?


New member
Aug 12, 2006
im 20, and i cant even picture going any younger than16-17. Im with a 17 year old right now, really cool girl, she lives next door, but if i were to drop to 16, well i would have a hard time dealing with it. 13 though, wowww

Roundrobin I will say that growing up in 2010 is a lot different then how it was when I was your age in 1994. I don't know if you ever seen that movie KIDS but in my neighborhood we grew up and hung in packs and groups of 40 and 50 of us at a time just like that. Most of us all grew up together and knew each other and our families from grade school all the way past high school. We all kind of started out partying at young ages and our younger siblings as they got older they were pretty much conditioned to do the same as they looked up to us.

We hung out in the streets a lot in apartment parking garages, had what we called "kickbacks" at peoples house where a bunch of us would just get together and hang out and drink, smoke a little weed or whatever your drug of choice was, skateboarded and listened to music. The internet wasn't really around back then and our main source of communication was via pagers. So we socialized more in person instead of online via facebook or constant text. It wasn't uncommon for say an 18 year old chick friend of ours bringing her 14 or 15 year old sister too a kickback because she was in charge of her for the night and some guy would get together with her. We were all friends and knew of each other and pretty much lived life in the fastlane. When I think back to around those years when I was growing up from age 13 to about age 23 none of us where ever into what you call real serious relationships. The thing to do during the early 90's was what we called "scamming". Where your goal for the night was too hook up with somebody you never got with before and either have sex or bump and grind or something. If we couldn't get with somebody we haven't gotten with before we would end up "scamming" with somebody we already did with before and the night would be considered a failure.

Believe me the times were so different in the early 90's then it is today when I think about some of the situations I have been in I think WOW that really happened. One time when I was 21 I showed up at my friends apartment and he was hanging out at some older chicks apartment upstairs with a couple of buddies and I was like what's crackin? He was like we are running a train on these drunk bitches right now? I was surprised because just a few nights earlier we were hanging with the same chicks and they were acting all stuck up like they would never get with any of us cause they were 25 and shit and we were just "little boys that drink 40's". So naturally I wanted some of that action. So for about three hours we each took our turns tag teaming these two drunk chicks going from one room hitting that, then tagging a friend in, so you can take a break to refuel, then getting tagged in to go into the other chicks room. None of us dudes and those chicks spoke about that night it was just one of those wild nights that could only happen just that once.

When I talk to the kids today it is all about sexting and updating their facebook status and don't get caught doing shit that will end up on youtube. Back then you didn't have to worry about getting caught on a camera phone. We had disposable cameras and photoshops blacked out pictures of nudity back then. One thing that hasn't changed today that used to happen a lot back then was getting drunk at a bar and hooking up with some chick from inside in the bar and taking her into the back alley.

Oct 13, 2008
Roundrobin I will say that growing up in 2010 is a lot different then how it was when I was your age in 1994. I don't know if you ever seen that movie KIDS but in my neighborhood we grew up and hung in packs and groups of 40 and 50 of us at a time just like that. Most of us all grew up together and knew each other and our families from grade school all the way past high school. We all kind of started out partying at young ages and our younger siblings as they got older they were pretty much conditioned to do the same as they looked up to us.
I can see that being the case... I have a 15 year old sister and some of her friends are more experienced than others. Some of them are real slutty too, making passes at me and stuff, i just can quite bring myself to do it though. I have to keep a close watch on my sister though. I already had to beat the fuck out of one kid that wouldnt leave her alone. Should be an interesting 3-4 years ahead

May 27, 2007
Thinking back to my experiences when I was 19 I was dating/fucking a 13 year old. She was very advanced for her age. She drank liquor, snorted drugs, had a lot of previous sexual experience got a tattoo on her breast... It was like dating young Drew Barrymore. Also when I was 22 I was dating a 15 year old and she was pretty much self-reliant too. She drank, did drugs, came and went as she pleased had no curfew and pretty much only answered to herself. I didn't feel like a pervert and wasn't looked at as being a pervert amongst our associates.

I think when it comes to relationships at a young age it is not unusual to click on that level with somebody +/- 10 years. If you are 26 years old and date a 16 year old and have common friends, interests and connect at that level nothing sleazy about that. The 16 year old could be mature for their age and the 26 year old could be immature for their age so they both could mentally connect like they are both 21 year olds. However if you are 40 years old and you are dating a 16 year old, I can't see how two people that far apart in age could bridge the communication gap. That would have to be purely a sexual relationship which makes it seem too much like a fetish.

Now I get the kind of person I'm talking to on this board. Partner, you are a rapist plain and simple. A 19-year-old sleeping with a 13-year-old little girl is wrong under all circumstances. That girl was an 8th grade little girl or perhaps even in 7th grade. You were a grown adult. Now I know why you are so angry and so disturbed. I hope her dad wiped the floor with you face you rapist/pedophile.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
Now I get the kind of person I'm talking to on this board. Partner, you are a rapist plain and simple. A 19-year-old sleeping with a 13-year-old little girl is wrong under all circumstances. That girl was an 8th grade little girl or perhaps even in 7th grade. You were a grown adult. Now I know why you are so angry and so disturbed. I hope her dad wiped the floor with you face you rapist/pedophile.

Blah, Blah, Blah.... I knew it wouldn't take too long for you to open up your pie-hole. I will entertain you a little bit. When I hooked up with that 13 year old it was kinda out of doing a favor for my friend who was dating her friend who was 14. My friend who was 18 at the time wanted to meet up with his girlfriend that night and he needed a ride to her house and he was like she has a friend with her. After twisting my arm and telling him he is paying for my gas and all the drinks for the night I will do it. Too be perfectly honest I thought she was 14 and a freshman just like my friends girlfriend. I didn't know she was 13 until like a week later when me and friend were picking his girlfriend and a couple of her friends up from school one day. I was asking where is Liza and they were like lets go pick her up. Next thing I know I am parked out in front of a junior high school and I was are you guys serious she is in junior high? This looks bad. I did feel like a pervert but I got over it. Liza kinda convinced me. She said dude I have been with older guys than you in fact I was one of the younger guys she has ever hooked up with and she told me you were cool with it when you thought I was 14, what's a couple more months.

Her dad was out of the picture and her mom was ultra cool. Her moms last minute advice before leaving her house with her daughter was don't drink and drive and stay out of trouble. Pretty much I and everybody I know never had issues with parents of an underage chick we dated. I worked with one chick at Thrifty's Ice Cream who became a pretty good friend of mine for a while who was 16 and she was dating a 27 year old guy and eventually married him. Even my Manager at Thrifty's ended up taking one of the ice cream scoopers to her high school prom as a favor and they ended up dating and getting married.

It is pretty funny how when I am 19 and sleeping with a fellow teenager I am called in your own words "a grown adult". But if I was 19 and be tragically killed by a drunk driver then I would be called a "poor young kid".

Enfuego I already know your game. You are a pussy in real life but the internet has allowed you to open your mouth and talk shit via keyboard to people you otherwise will never meet in your life. I can guarantee in a face to face encounter you wouldn't say a fuckin thing to me or anybody else you seem to talk shit to and about on this board. I bet at your place of employment and in your own neighborhood you are either hated or ignored and you are seriously lacking people and life experience. All you are is a fuckin gay ass looking avatar to me.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
1) HOSN has put a lot of work into creating this (combined) 1000+ word essay defending his statutory rape of an almost pre-teen girl.

2) ENFUEGO's avatar is in fact pretty fucking gay.

Nov 16, 2004
times have changed immensely from my early days. I always was with older women and married the only girl I dated who was younger, big mistake, other than my sons. I am VERY open with my boys and there is nothing we do not talk about. Drugs, sex, sports, everything is out in the open. I would hope when faced with a right or wrong decision, they choose wisely. Parents who rule much harder than I do seem to have the more rebellious children imo. Maturity is the big factor but age is important. I have coached both boys and girls at grade school levels for many years and obviously girls tend to be more mature. In the end, the girls think just like the boys when it comes to sex. If my sons make that choice, they know the risks involved. That temporary joy could lead to a lifetime of responsibility way before they are ready. I really do not know how I would raise a girl given I have 2 boys. I am sure I would be more protective, however, just as open. I would rather they learn from me than friends. I do know that they are going to do what they want to do. Dating does not have to be about penetration. I was surprised to learn that the hs girls here do not think of bj's as sex. Sure wish I was young again. Every situation is different so impossible to answer unless parties are known.

May 27, 2007
Blah, Blah, Blah.... I knew it wouldn't take too long for you to open up your pie-hole. I will entertain you a little bit. When I hooked up with that 13 year old it was kinda out of doing a favor for my friend who was dating her friend who was 14. My friend who was 18 at the time wanted to meet up with his girlfriend that night and he needed a ride to her house and he was like she has a friend with her. After twisting my arm and telling him he is paying for my gas and all the drinks for the night I will do it. Too be perfectly honest I thought she was 14 and a freshman just like my friends girlfriend. I didn't know she was 13 until like a week later when me and friend were picking his girlfriend and a couple of her friends up from school one day. I was asking where is Liza and they were like lets go pick her up. Next thing I know I am parked out in front of a junior high school and I was are you guys serious she is in junior high? This looks bad. I did feel like a pervert but I got over it. Liza kinda convinced me. She said dude I have been with older guys than you in fact I was one of the younger guys she has ever hooked up with and she told me you were cool with it when you thought I was 14, what's a couple more months.

Her dad was out of the picture and her mom was ultra cool. Her moms last minute advice before leaving her house with her daughter was don't drink and drive and stay out of trouble. Pretty much I and everybody I know never had issues with parents of an underage chick we dated. I worked with one chick at Thrifty's Ice Cream who became a pretty good friend of mine for a while who was 16 and she was dating a 27 year old guy and eventually married him. Even my Manager at Thrifty's ended up taking one of the ice cream scoopers to her high school prom as a favor and they ended up dating and getting married.

It is pretty funny how when I am 19 and sleeping with a fellow teenager I am called in your own words "a grown adult". But if I was 19 and be tragically killed by a drunk driver then I would be called a "poor young kid".

Enfuego I already know your game. You are a pussy in real life but the internet has allowed you to open your mouth and talk shit via keyboard to people you otherwise will never meet in your life. I can guarantee in a face to face encounter you wouldn't say a fuckin thing to me or anybody else you seem to talk shit to and about on this board. I bet at your place of employment and in your own neighborhood you are either hated or ignored and you are seriously lacking people and life experience. All you are is a fuckin gay ass looking avatar to me.

You can say or justify whatever you want. The fact remains you are a rapist plain a simple.

And also, I guarantee if we met in person you would actually not feel so tough after all. I'd say whatever I say here to your face without issue. That said, I don't have anger issues like you rapist boy. I don't make threats against people and go around trying to fight anonymous posters on a gambling forum. You have the mind of a 5-year-old.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
Some of you guys watch too much of that Dateline To Catch A Predator shit. There is a big difference between a 40+ year old awkward, social outcast of a man driving across state lines to meet some 14 year old girl he sniffed out online just hours before. As compared to somebody in their late teens and early 20's hooking up with somebody 5 or 6 years younger than them because they socialize in the same crowd and have common ground.

One of my friends when he was 16 he got thrown in juvenile hall for a few months and ended up hooking up with one of the female staff officers who was running his unit. She was I think 29 years old. He ended up dating her for a year or so too. I don't ever remember anybody saying anything negative about it, not us friends or his parents. It was what it was. If the people closely involved and invested in the relationship are happy and have no issues then everybody else should just shut the fuck up and mind their own business and live their own little boring uneventful lives.

May 27, 2007
Some of you guys watch too much of that Dateline To Catch A Predator shit. There is a big difference between a 40+ year old awkward, social outcast of a man driving across state lines to meet some 14 year old girl he sniffed out online just hours before. As compared to somebody in their late teens and early 20's hooking up with somebody 5 or 6 years younger than them because they socialize in the same crowd and have common ground.

One of my friends when he was 16 he got thrown in juvenile hall for a few months and ended up hooking up with one of the female staff officers who was running his unit. She was I think 29 years old. He ended up dating her for a year or so too. I don't ever remember anybody saying anything negative about it, not us friends or his parents. It was what it was. If the people closely involved and invested in the relationship are happy and have no issues then everybody else should just shut the fuck up and mind their own business and live their own little boring uneventful lives.

Like a 13-year-old 7th grader is invested in a relationship and is happy. Good god you are a predator.

RX Senior
Oct 17, 2010
Nothing wrong with it but that doesn't mean I'm not gonna say it's wrong to your face. Let her become a legal adult first before you start boning.
Sep 21, 2004
Some of you guys watch too much of that Dateline To Catch A Predator shit. There is a big difference between a 40+ year old awkward, social outcast of a man driving across state lines to meet some 14 year old girl he sniffed out online just hours before. As compared to somebody in their late teens and early 20's hooking up with somebody 5 or 6 years younger than them because they socialize in the same crowd and have common ground.

One of my friends when he was 16 he got thrown in juvenile hall for a few months and ended up hooking up with one of the female staff officers who was running his unit. She was I think 29 years old. He ended up dating her for a year or so too. I don't ever remember anybody saying anything negative about it, not us friends or his parents. It was what it was. If the people closely involved and invested in the relationship are happy and have no issues then everybody else should just shut the fuck up and mind their own business and live their own little boring uneventful lives.

The fact is, by all legal definitions in every state in our country, you are a child rapist.

The fact that you are to this day trying to justify it, shows that you are still a sicko.

Oct 16, 2008
nobody under the age of sixteen should be having sex(especially girls). Far to many of them have no idea what they are doing or the ramifications of getting pregnant and will only become a drain on society. I know far too many people who have had kids at a young age and have no clue how to be parent and are just setting their own kids up for failure.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
nobody under the age of sixteen should be having sex(especially girls). Far to many of them have no idea what they are doing or the ramifications of getting pregnant and will only become a drain on society. I know far too many people who have had kids at a young age and have no clue how to be parent and are just setting their own kids up for failure.

In a perfect world we should all wait until we got married before consummating our relationships. It would be also nice if we were all like shepherds and did the biblical right thing no matter what our age or sex is. But in reality there are things that we, our parents and our children do at far too young of ages that is a result of our immaturity or just not giving a fuck.

But if you really think about I think the wild and stupid things we do as kids is exactly the right time you should be doing these things if you are going to be doing it at any point in your life. What we do as children have the least bearing on our lives. It is what we do as grown men and women which fucks our world up. Do you remember how cruel teenage love and sex was where one day you think you are in love and the next day your lover is breaking up with and moving onto somebody else? It seems like a teenager deals with that pain far better then adults deal with that kind of rejection. I never read any stories about some heartbroken 16 year old shooting his ex-girlfriend and her current boyfriend out of a jealous rage. I also never hear about some 15 year old kid physically abusing his young girlfriend. That behavior is what US adults exhibit when shit doesn't go our way in the love department. If anything I would say the sex and love we experience in our teenage years prepares us in our adult life. If you had no experience in high school and in your early college years and fell in love and had sex for the first time in your 20's you are not experienced enough to handle the bullshit that love can be and you can wind up doing psycho ass shit.

I say if you are going to experiment with drugs and binge drinking do it in high school and college so you can get it out of your system don't wait until you are a married adult with children and try drugs when you people depending on you. If you are going to have carefree sex do it when you are young where emotions are not that serious. Have fun as a kid steal candy from the store, steal somebody's bicycle, spray paint a wall... get all of that shit out of your system when you young and the consequences are minor.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
The fact is, by all legal definitions in every state in our country, you are a child rapist.

The fact that you are to this day trying to justify it, shows that you are still a sicko.

Fuck the legal definitions!!!

In legal definitions if I go into Best Buy and steal an Eminem CD and get caught the only thing that will happen to me is community service and informal probation. However if I log into Limewire and illegally download just one song and get caught I will have to pay a 6 figure fine and possibly serve years in prison. Who here does not download fuckin music illegally?

Like I said fuck the legal definitions.

As for my lack of morals on certain subjects. Yeah sometimes I am proned to do the dick move but not the Andrew Luster move. Would I take advantage of a hot drunk horny chick if given the opportunity? Probably. Would I drug and roofie some chick at a bar and sleep with her. FUCK NO.

If I find a wallet full of money I am keeping it. I am not going to turn it in just so 30 days later when it goes unclaimed some officers could finance their next happy hour at the titty bar with the money. If I see somebody drop some money as they are walking in a parking lot I will make them aware of it. Just the type of motherfucker I am.

May 27, 2007
In a perfect world we should all wait until we got married before consummating our relationships. It would be also nice if we were all like shepherds and did the biblical right thing no matter what our age or sex is. But in reality there are things that we, our parents and our children do at far too young of ages that is a result of our immaturity or just not giving a fuck.

But if you really think about I think the wild and stupid things we do as kids is exactly the right time you should be doing these things if you are going to be doing it at any point in your life. What we do as children have the least bearing on our lives. It is what we do as grown men and women which fucks our world up. Do you remember how cruel teenage love and sex was where one day you think you are in love and the next day your lover is breaking up with and moving onto somebody else? It seems like a teenager deals with that pain far better then adults deal with that kind of rejection. I never read any stories about some heartbroken 16 year old shooting his ex-girlfriend and her current boyfriend out of a jealous rage. I also never hear about some 15 year old kid physically abusing his young girlfriend. That behavior is what US adults exhibit when shit doesn't go our way in the love department. If anything I would say the sex and love we experience in our teenage years prepares us in our adult life. If you had no experience in high school and in your early college years and fell in love and had sex for the first time in your 20's you are not experienced enough to handle the bullshit that love can be and you can wind up doing psycho ass shit.

I say if you are going to experiment with drugs and binge drinking do it in high school and college so you can get it out of your system don't wait until you are a married adult with children and try drugs when you people depending on you. If you are going to have carefree sex do it when you are young where emotions are not that serious. Have fun as a kid steal candy from the store, steal somebody's bicycle, spray paint a wall... get all of that shit out of your system when you young and the consequences are minor.

19 is not a kid so get that out of your mind. You took advantage of a 13-year-old 7th grader. By anyone's standards, you are a pedophile plain and simple so quite trying to justify it.

Oct 16, 2008
the problem is hosnatcher is your not a 14 yr old having sex with a 14 yr old. You were much older, have had more life experiences, and should have known better. Just because other people do it, doesnt make it right. No 19 yr old should be sleeping with any 13-14 yr old whether your her first or her tenth. Im willing to bet im a decent bit younger than you are too, so im not some old ass stuck in his ways

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Most classic here is that I'm pretty sure this thread Theme pops up about three or four times a year. And each time, ChildSnatcher patiently and methodically creates several dozen originally worded posts to justify his rape of a seventh grade girl.

Would seem much smarter to just Copy from previous threads and Paste into the current one.

Oh not to mention that if he were to cram them all together into a single 1000 word essay and change the word "girl" to "boy", he could probably get a monthly salary from the NAMBLA newsletter folks

New member
Aug 12, 2006
19 is not a kid so get that out of your mind. You took advantage of a 13-year-old 7th grader. By anyone's standards, you are a pedophile plain and simple so quite trying to justify it.

So in California I am a statutory rapist but in Spain I would just be a law abiding citizen. You on the other hand are a fag and a crybaby no matter what country you go to.

I notice you keep calling her a 7th grader. I never said she was in 7th grade. She was actually in 8th grade and the summer was just around the corner but it didn't matter. I didn't give a fuck then and don't give a fuck now. The only acts in the past that I am sorry for is for my acts of violence and certain things I said to loved ones in the heat of an argument.

Funny thing is those of you on here that have wives and girlfriends of their own. Most of those misses share one thing in common. If they were semi-hot in their youth they all got boned by an adult when they were teenagers. That is just the fuckin facts of life. If the shit didn't commonly happen, then they wouldn't need to make a law about it in the first place.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
Most classic here is that I'm pretty sure this thread Theme pops up about three or four times a year. And each time, ChildSnatcher patiently and methodically creates several dozen originally worded posts to justify his rape of a seventh grade girl.

Would seem much smarter to just Copy from previous threads and Paste into the current one.

Oh not to mention that if he were to cram them all together into a single 1000 word essay and change the word "girl" to "boy", he could probably get a monthly salary from the NAMBLA newsletter folks

Barman, Doesn't posting on the RX eat into the volunteer time you spend with GLAAD? And please keep your little boy fetishes to yourself.

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