Thanks Sport,,,, and ARTh,,, Geesh,, noone takes it more presonally than me,,, I make every play with my wallet,,, as does Mike,,, so you think your feeling the pinch,I am too,,
I have preeched in this thread a dozen times for people to keep their Units in checdk,,, NOONE HITS 70%,,, the fact ZAP and I did even for a few days is SICK AMAZING,,,
VIRTUALLY NOONE can touch 65% weve held tha win % for months,,,, so GUYS,,,, be patient,,, I promise this thing is going to be pointed inthe right direction tonight,,,,, if not tomorrow!!
ZAP will be posting an agreede play in a bit,,, this is according to all the same formulas that has brought us to 70%,,, we WILL continue to hit,, so hold tight,,,, and lets kick the mans ASS,,,
thanks to all that support what werre trying to do,,, you will not be sorry,,,