Young Pussy vs. Older hotties...I am so tired of hearing about young chicks this...


Custom designed to blow the mind
Aug 21, 2000
Elvira.........I enjoy the Rebels in this forum, and those that make it interesting. To me, age doesn't matter and if you ever come to the midwest just let me know because I would certainly be interested in having you massage my grapefruits.


Jan 20, 2002
Met a lady in Texas once,I was prob around 35 and she had to be close to 50.Not only drop dead gorgeous and fit, but very talented also. those type of moves come with age.

New member
Sep 21, 2004
Elvira, I have been saying for a while, I've always liked older women. Something about an older girl turns me on a lot. The girl I've been seeing lately is 10 years older then me and is smokin' hot, owns her own business and is very caring. And when I say smokin' hot, she really is, even after a kid...At first, when we first started seeing eachother, I thought she was embarrassed being seen with me, cause I actually look younger then I am, but now I know that it doesn't matter to her and I find her attitude appealing. I won't even get into how amazing the sex is with her.....but it's incredible....I used to think how it would be a couple years from now when I'm 30 and she's 40, but it doesn't bother me either, because we're both living for right now and we're both happy.

Jan 20, 2002
If Elvira is who I think she is she is,she is very hot.I don't care how old she is.And AF,good attitude man.

New member
Sep 21, 2004

Just found out who you are.. WELCOME!!
You would definately turn heads when you walk in a room!!! Sorry I missed you in VEGAS..

Like your style!!

Sounds like you're a happy man!!

I mean urstupid123,
How ya been?


RX Senior
Apr 20, 2002
im sorry i thought that was sick. I guess sick is still working on the set of a gay male fetish porn tentativly titled "gerbil adventrures"

I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999
real simple here

if ALL ELSE is equal - and i was given the choice of spending a weekend with a 20-year or a 40-year-old, i'd choose the 40-year-old EVERY SINGLE TIME!

as elvira has pointed out - the 40-year-old knows things the 20-year-old not only has never heard of - but wouldn't know how to do it even if she did.

also - the 40 y/o knows her body MUCH better and what please her more than the 20 y/o - and she also knows how to please her man better.

the 20 y/o probably does have the harder body and is more willing to do some things the 40 y/o might not (like swallowing or anal sex) but while the quantity of sex might be better with the 20 y/o - the QUALITY of sex with the 40 y/o will be much better - by far.

elvira - if you are as hot as you say you are - and i have no reason to doubt what you say - relax. some guy worth having will "discover" you and worship you like you want to be worshipped. also - by going thru all the clods you are going thru now - it will make you appreciate that one guy who will blow your doors off that much more. i also sense by going thru all this crap it will also make that one special guy easy to spot after a short period of time with him. if you massage a guy balls during sex - and he likes it (i guess some don't - don't know why - but some don't - just like some guys don't like fully shaven women - even though i think that is one of the all-time sexiest things a woman can do - and when i discover she is fulyl shaven she better not make any plans for about 2 weeks for i will be down there that long pleasing her) - you'll win him over.

i am wondering what part of the country you live in - for in places like So Cal (where i live - so i know) gorgeous women are plentiful and those with the power and money like to "trade in" their "older" (and by this - any woman over - say - 25 - honest) for someone younger (see Hugh Hefner and Jerry Buss - not great examples - but you get the point). if you live in parts of the world where gorgeous women aren't as plentiful - who knows why. all i know - being 40 myself - a 30 y/o woman is younger than i am - and someone i would be more than willing to date.

i have met brooke burke before and not only is she hot - she is a really nice person - but also projects and air of class and dignity. if you are like this - as i said - relax - your knight in shining armor will appear sooner than you think. when he does - just make sure you recognize it.

I am sorry for using the "R" word - and NOTHING EL
Oct 21, 1999
one more thing

there is NOTHING more pathetic and a bigger turn-off than someone "smelling desperate" to a potential partner - as i am sure you know. if a guy comes across that way to you - my guess is you will RUN the other way as fast as you can (and if your body is a hot as you say - my guess is you can run at a decent speed).

guys also HATE a woman who isn't willing to forget the past. what i mean here is if guys have screwed you over in the past - we can't be penalized for it. look - i'm sorry that has happened to you - but if you come to our date with a chip on your shoulder and don't come to it giving me a clean slate - i have NO CHANCE at ever winning over your heart - whereas if you do come clean - i might.

guys (worth having - and that is all we are talking about here) LOVE a woman with confidence because she projects an image we want to be around. i don't care how beautiful you might be - if it sucks being anywhere near you - i won't. i want to be around someone who wants to be around me. i want to be around someone who is fun to be with.

trust me - i am not alone here - and as a matter of fact - odds are most guys feel the same way.

love happens when you least expect it - from what i am told. so as hard as this may sound - stop looking and hoping - for as i said - it makes you look desperate - although if you see some guy that interests you - don't be afriad to make the first move. if the guy is interested in you - he won't mind it one bit. most guys LOVE the women to make the first move because it happens so rarely - and it also shows interest on her part - something we don't have to guess at anymore - because by asking us out - she has stated an interest on her behalf. if you like football - go someplace on a sunday where they are showing nfl games and have some fun. odds are decent some guy will notice you sitting by yourself and come talk to you (you can bring a friend - but NO MORE than 1 - for when there are a large group of women together it sends out signals that you are there for a "girls day out" and don't want to be bothered - and if you go alone - that shows you have no friends - so bring ONE friend along with you - and every now and then have her leave the table for a few minutes allowing a guy the chance to approach you with just you at the table and your "bodyguard" gone).

Walk with your head held up high and an air of confidence to you (but NOT cocky - guys don't like that in a woman we are pursuing - after the relationship has gone some distance it is OK - but cockiness puts up a "wall" we have a tough time climbing) and sooner or later someone will come your way. TRUST ME!

Sep 21, 2004
Older woman wins hands down, took me awhile to figure that won out till a sexy 42 year old thanked me in a special way more than once for geeting her daughter a formal interview that ended up being a job at Bell Telecommunications, like winky is saying they know there body's better and can fulfill our desires better most of the time.

Sep 21, 2004
By the way Wink, Brooke seems to be such a sweet heart but with confidence, I was very confident she was the person you described just glad you confirmed it, isn't she dating bruce willis?

New member
Sep 21, 2004
great post winky, you are so right about being confident... when you walk in a place feeling beautifull and sexy, you proyect that image and EVERYBODY notices it. You should have seen me last night, went with some friends to a gay bar, and there were tons of gay guys turning his heads to see me (and obviously girls

So don't worry Elvira, if you are as gorgeous as you say and you know it and you feel sexy, that's all you need, beleive me

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