You want to be successful in life? Rather simple formula


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Joe, I don't always agree with everything you write (most often but not always) but I have to give you kudos. You are one smart bastard. God blessed you.
Thank you.

One smart bastard? Hardly.

Don't let them manipulate your emotions with sensationalist headlines and fear.

Remove the emotional aspect and what are you left with? Logical thinking.

Learn to spot the propaganda by avoiding so-called 'journalists' with God-like complexes who use vacuous buzzwords and phrases like..

"sources tell me"
"critics say"
"conspiracy theory"
"misinformation" and "disinformation"
"fact checking" (they're "fact checking" themselves: circular logic)
"studies prove"
"experts say"
"racist, misogynist and homo/transphobic"

Meaningless power-tripping fluff and words of the devil designed to manipulate and cloud your judgement on your personal journey to truth and enlightenment.

Question everything.

Question authority.

Ask for original documents.

Nuke the haters with receipts.

Watch and emulate leaders who share your values project their courage and wisdom, and how they call out the "fake news" - Gov. Ron DeSantis; Gov. Kristi Noame; AZ candidate Gov Kari Lake...just to name three off the top of my head. And of course, our beloved President Donald J, Trump.

Emulate and support these fearless warriors fighting for us!

Most people don't realize it, but we're at war. Not a kinetic or even cyber war, but a war of information - a tiny, tiny corrupt elite that control everything with nothing but their endless stream of lies and propaganda.

They know we're the overwhelming majority. Once enough people realize this - once enough of us "use our agency" as Steve Bannon says - it's GAME OVER! Checkmate!

Once they lose their iron-grip on the narrative - and it's coming, just wait - watch how high the American Eagle soars.

Pray for strength, wisdom and guidance, as George Washington did on bended knee.

If Divine Providence founded this country, Divine Providence can save it.

"This country doesn't belongs to them, it belongs you, the American People" - President Trump

Have faith and God Bless!

Apr 2, 2020

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