C-G, this is why I date Asian women. I'm not talking about Asian women that were born here but the ones that were born across the pond.
When I take one of them out she is appreciative that spend so much money on here. A lot of times they find jobs over here that don't pay much.
Her idea of a good date is to cook for me. You see they are raised to take care of their man and their kids while the man is out making money. From what I hear Latin women are like this too.
Do you believe the more you spend of a woman, the more she will like you?
Connect with a woman on an emotional level and it won't matter the price of the bill.
But if you are pretty empty and devoid of anything else to offer, I guess you would need to spend dough to compete with other men.
No I don't believe the more you spend on a woman, the more you get back from her, but to get a lot of the hot classy top notch women... 9's, 10's, 8's and keep them, you more likely than not need to spend money. Nothing crazy but it fucking adds up.
Why would some hot model chick regularly out for ice cream to "connect" when she can go to a trendy restaurant and connect with a guy richer than you?
I wasn't talking about picking up chicks at a bar for sex, if you have game you have game, I was saying that dating ( hot women) can be expensive. Unless you try and go dutch or pull some unethical snake scams like your friend.
I believe if I'm taking a woman to a trendy restaurant it's because I want to go, I'm not doing it to impress her.
I'm going to do what I like and if she wants to spend time with me then she'll come along for the ride.
How many hot rich classy girls want to get drunk and watch a game they bet on?????
My point is that the good, hot, rich, classy, desirable, model chicks that every guy wants to fuck usually want more than some 4 dollar coffee date. Do you make them pay for their Venti Latte too?
Who said I didn't like expensive restaurants???
Maybe it's a philosophy thing, I was never asking women on "Dates" I was asking women to hang out while I do something, buy new shoes, check out a new cologne. Women love shopping.
Many times I would spend 8 hours getting to know a woman and there was no mention of a date but the end results were often the same.
The "date" has too many presumed expectations. I always liked doing something different.
But really the woman I'm going to marry is someone I knew a decade earlier, so who knows which method was better, I know mine was generally cheaper.
A friend of mine, whenever he was on a first date he would pull the same stunt. Go for a nice dinner with the girl, reach for his wallet and its not in his pants.
"Oh damn, I must have left my wallet in my car, take care of this and I'll get you back when we're outside."
They'd go to the car and sure enough "Oh damn, I must have left my wallet at home, come back to mine and I'l take care of it"
He said if the girl was coming back he'd sleep with her and rarely would have to pay for dinner. If she didn't come back he got a free dinner.
Wow...what a fucking douchebag.