I'm currently reading JOSH HAMILTON'S Biography, Beyond Belief: Finding the Strength to Come Back. It is a very good book and I always knew of his story a little because we were about the same age and remember him being taken in the draft around the time I was hoping to hear mine in a later round.
I actually didn't realize how low and in the dumps this kid was. Very good story. There are 2 really amazing, incredible comeback stories in the MLB right now, and so different on the scale of how each got there (the other one being the Ankiel story of going from P to OFer, and darn good at both positions).
I recommend this book for any baseball fan, anyone who enjoys reading about inspiration and overcoming adversity, or one that likes biographies from someone who is an intriguing story to you.
I'm now a bigger JOSH HAMILTON fan and here's hoping that this is only the beginning of his story..