I checked and Brett or whatever the fuck his name is, Brandon the owner of the cafe is not Haole.
He is AssHoleA-E.
well....just sound it out. Its not Complex.
From a Tribe that emanates from the Gay Son of Haleuikainai The Master(bator)
and Princess Leialulululani
who is represented here, her image recreated upon this magnificent ashtray:
who wants Idiots preparing their food anyways?
Anyone "concerned" with these Assholey Tribe meaningless declaring they won't serve Spamwiches to Trump Voters needs to consider that the Main Reason he is doing this is that He Needs Love.
He, as a "man" is desperate for Love.
He, as a being is yearning for, Love.
He hates his Life he hates his Wife he hates most of all his fucked up little cage
that Diner.
That he has to go to every day.
This here, that pathetic yellow scrawled note he taped to the door of his Diner is a desperate cry for Love.
The Widdle Bitch is So Alone.
And his "brain" so destroyed by
Obviously Gay
Deservedly So lmfao.
Cuz of Who He
Let the Widdle Bitch Cry More. Like Willie99 says:
"this is in a way, entertaining" cuz no Men have EVER lived in a time where other "men"
cry like this.
and beg, upon their knees,
for love.
This is all about this walking-dead-looking decayed yet still somehow standing bitch being Loved, for chrissakes....
Theme of The Coming Days: Lotta Alonebitches gonna draw attention to themselves in Last Ditch Effort to be "Famous" before they die.
Nothing to Lose for these widdle bitches, nothing to lose. No one paid attention to them all of their lives so they're really mad. Gonna go out with a