You be the judge ... is this excuse better than "My dog ate my HW"?


Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
cincy_ said:
No ... it is exposure ... exposure of you - the Pussycat who calls other people cowards and the person who doesn't keep his word and honor his bets.

This will continue, Josie ... and I will make sure that your shrinking balls are exposed for all to see.

Go ahead. Unlike you pansy pablum pukers, I have a thick skin and can absorb a pounding - at least in the political and virtual world. Most describe me as peaceful yet fierce and viscious when stirred to anger. If someone were stupid enough to threaten me with violence in person, I'd flatten them in less than thirty seconds. Spent a lot of time in martial arts, football, soccer, growing up, and am in very good shape. Just an FYI.

New member
Nov 21, 2000
Joe Contrarian said:
If someone were stupid enough to threaten me with violence in person, I'd flatten them in less than thirty seconds. Spent a lot of time in martial arts, football, soccer, growing up, and am in very good shape. Just an FYI.

LOL ... ok, you can flatten me in 30 seconds, Joe. Give it a shot. Show everyone that you aren't the "virtual warrior" that we all see. If my friend can risk his life for my country, I don't mind being pounded by you.

Come to the RX Bash (or anywhere else) and say to me in person what you say to me online, Pussycat - and I promise to call you a gutless coward to your face too.

Why do I not talk like this to other posters, Josie?

Willie and Basehead and a host of other people are pro-war too - they also bash anti-war people but they don't CONSTANTLY CALL THEM COWARDS like you do, Pussycat.

Willie and Basehead and BBlight make arguments and make fun of people and trash people, but you cross the line where you challenge the manhood of people who are against the war and act like you're BRAVE for supporting it - and when it's brought to your attention, you keep doing it - and I want to give you a chance to prove it, Pussycat.

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
Oops, forgot to mention, seeing that I am a "chickenhawk" (though I prefer the Reagan axiom "peace through strength"), four years ago, I got myself one of these:


(not my actual dog, btw)

As you can imagine, he's very protective and can smell trouble from a mile away.

New member
Nov 21, 2000
Joe Contrarian said:
Oops, forgot to mention, seeing that I am a "chickenhawk" (though I prefer the Reagan axiom "peace through strength"), four years ago, I got myself one of these:

As you can imagine, he's very protective and can smell trouble from a mile away.

Josie, you don't need to tell me that you also have a brother who is a cop or that you have a loaded shotgun in the house or that you have a black belt or that you're 6'2, 250 lbs and everything else people say out of fear - I am not threatening you.

I am simply giving you the chance to meet me - and say to me in person what you write on the internet - and prove that you're not a "virtual warrior" who is brave when he is out of range, Pussycat.

For a person who claims to "fight till the death", does meeting me in a secure, protected casino make you crap your pants, Joe? I am not inviting you out to the middle of the desert for a duel, Pussycat.

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
Whatever dude...whatever...

FYI, I say the same things in public ALL THE TIME. I'm very active politically, don't forget. What...what have I said that you find soooooo offensive? Bashing Martha Murtha? John Kerry? That's politics, bud. But I don't start threads antagonizing fellow posters, or personally insult them, the way my opponents do. I stick to the issues, it's never personal for me. If you find my posts offensive, stop whining and stomping feet like a 5 year old, and prove my statements are wrong.

So why would I want to meet you, again? Do you want my autograph? The only people that have any business judging my manhood are women. Get it?

F-a-g! :>Grin>

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
joec martial arts and soccer?...........i have fallen on the floor laughing and i cant get up

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