First off let me say I am surprised by the comments. People are actually questioning Pin, not riding them. But then again the usual suspects haven't posted anything. I guess even they see that their initial argumnets were blown out of the water byu this development. It also really isn't about the bet beign cancelled or not. But it was yet another example of them (pin) posting a line that was clearly wrong.
I have seen a half dozen or so the past couple weeks, ranging from a 120 line that should have been +120, to some Runline odds that were way off.
But with Pin what is a bad line? As I have mentione above, they have habitua;y been hanging those mid level split numbners one way where they hold their 8 cent line, and everyone else goes to 15, that gives them a "free" seven cents right there to hedge one way or the other. So a -160 fave somewhere might be -145 to 147 at Pin or a +140 dog might be +155 to +159. They cheat it the way they want without offering a true scalp, being even up or a penny or two below. I am sure OF can attest to this, or anyone else who golows the odds.
So that sort of goes along with what Everyga,blerdream said. How can you tell when the line is bad? I mean to some people 15 cents IS an erroneous line, but to Pin it is common place at the splits.
As for Kenny B's question, no one collected because it lost. But I would bet my left nut that a lot more money went on that game than that future play that was so controversial. I would also go so far to say that if they didn't take it down and it was at those odds all day it took more money than all their future bets combined. But I don't know I wasn't around that afternoon to check. But if they did leave it up, then it was pretty clear what they were doing. And I know they had to have gotten hammered on it. It would take a pretty ethcal guy not to bet a number that is 65-80 cents off.
I saw it, but at the time I didn't realize it was the ML, I actually thought it was the RL. But when I read what the guy wrote I realized what it was.
I am sure this won't be the last time we see a Pin slip up. Let's just hope that it is a low level guy who can't type or doesn't double check his data, and that it is the automated system that perpetuates the original slip up, and not a willful act on their part. Of course their is no way to tell, unles it becomes habitual and blatant.