Yankees and Rays Use Social Media to Spread Gun Violence Facts


Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Here is one man's interesting take....when we talk about these mass shootings it always ends up being some gun debate....sometimes mental health issues get talked about ......but rarely do govt psyops and involvement get brought up as if that were some kind of wacked out idea (despite perpetual evidence to the contrary)

Besides DuhWillch, who else thinks that its preposterous that govt has some kind of active hand in these events, ie "Our govt would NEVER do that to us"

why govt kills.jpeg

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
JFK knew and paid the ultimate price for talking out about it

Dec 3, 2017
There's something happening here
What it is ain't exactly clear
There's a man with a gun over there
Telling me I'got to beware

Better stop children what's that sound, think it's time children everybody look what going down!

Jan 5, 2008
There's something happening here
What it is ain't exactly clear
There's a man with a gun over there
Telling me I'got to beware

Better stop children what's that sound, think it's time children everybody look what going down!
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks!

Jan 5, 2008
Here is one man's interesting take....when we talk about these mass shootings it always ends up being some gun debate....sometimes mental health issues get talked about ......but rarely do govt psyops and involvement get brought up as if that were some kind of wacked out idea (despite perpetual evidence to the contrary)

Besides DuhWillch, who else thinks that its preposterous that govt has some kind of active hand in these events, ie "Our govt would NEVER do that to us"

View attachment 34732
I’ll admit I firmly believe the government causes some things with direct intent of an agenda. Not always thinking it’s everything every time. But some things don’t add up or make sense logically. However, nor does life in general so I tread lightly at times.

I get crucified to this day over 9-11! But all I know is on day 3 they say they found the passport of one of the terrorist that survived a fireball and was found on the ground amongst all that debris and carnage. That’s all I needed to hear to say nope, not believing a single thing more. Cameras everywhere in Washington and can’t get a shot of anything there. And a friend who was there that day had lots of info that doesn’t get let out. To this day they still won’t talk about anything else after let’s just say they had a talking to.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
I’ll admit I firmly believe the government causes some things with direct intent of an agenda. Not always thinking it’s everything every time. But some things don’t add up or make sense logically. However, nor does life in general so I tread lightly at times.

I get crucified to this day over 9-11! But all I know is on day 3 they say they found the passport of one of the terrorist that survived a fireball and was found on the ground amongst all that debris and carnage. That’s all I needed to hear to say nope, not believing a single thing more. Cameras everywhere in Washington and can’t get a shot of anything there. And a friend who was there that day had lots of info that doesn’t get let out. To this day they still won’t talk about anything else after let’s just say they had a talking to.
Well they did get THIS highly edited Pentagon video through FOIA
The nose literally appears for 1 frame at about 4 second mark and no matter how slow you play it , even if you advance YT one frame at a time you will NEVER see the nose advance beyond this one shot......

I am still amazed that
1. The pilot didnt actually just fly into the Pentagon
2. but rather that this newly trained pilot was somehow able to taxi his way in is simply incredible

Im also amazed that this video is still not scrubbed from the internet

This reporter was hot on the scene and he says he didnt see jack shit about a plane

Jan 5, 2008
Well they did get THIS highly edited Pentagon video through FOIA
The nose literally appears for 1 frame at about 4 second mark and no matter how slow you play it , even if you advance YT one frame at a time you will NEVER see the nose advance beyond this one shot......

I am still amazed that
1. The pilot didnt actually just fly into the Pentagon
2. but rather that this newly trained pilot was somehow able to taxi his way in is simply incredible

Im also amazed that this video is still not scrubbed from the internet

This reporter was hot on the scene and he says he didnt see jack shit about a plane
Well I can’t see much in video. Some say a missile maybe you can argue similar to a nose. However the entry angle is odd imo. Not an expert on that stuff. It looks to be even ground level and not an entry angle of a missile I’d assume. But there is some spooky advanced stuff always years ahead.

Still very weird no good footage released with all the damn cameras around there. They went store by store taking any video footage of that day from anything. Some weird day after footage of people there giving statements real early just disappeared also.

Idk still don’t add up to me. Maybe I’m a bozo.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Well I can’t see much in video. Some say a missile maybe you can argue similar to a nose. However the entry angle is odd imo. Not an expert on that stuff. It looks to be even ground level and not an entry angle of a missile I’d assume. But there is some spooky advanced stuff always years ahead.

Still very weird no good footage released with all the damn cameras around there. They went store by store taking any video footage of that day from anything. Some weird day after footage of people there giving statements real early just disappeared also.

Idk still don’t add up to me. Maybe I’m a bozo.

Let me give you a helping hand, it's easy to see where a conspiracy wacko is going.

There were literally thousands and thousands of eyewitness accounts. Releases were made with peoples' names and locations and purpose for being where they were. Although back in the day, it would be buried on page 5 of search hits, the first 4 pages being wackos saying there were no eyewitnesses. Some sort of self intoxicating poppycock they all swallow.

People were outside walking, looking out the windows of their offices or hotel rooms in large part because of the noise a low flying plane was making, stuck in traffic on their morning commute......, they all saw a low flying commercial airline followed by a large explosion shortly thereafter. Not one eyewitness saw this commercial airline pullup and fly away. They would all have to be part of the conspiracy.

People on board were on their cell phones with loved ones describing what was going on and where they were, including low flying through DC. 54 passengers died, excluding the hijackers. Their families, friends, colleagues, neighbors all mourned their deaths. They too would all have to be part of the wackos' conspiracies

Forensic engineers reconstructed the approach, the damage, the hole in the pentagon, and they concluded a commercial jet hit the pentagon. they too would have to be part of the conspiracy.

The conspiracy also includes first responders, our military, the CIA, our government, our media, the airlines, air traffic controllers, foreign governments, foreign intelligence agencies, foreign media, scientists, leading researchers, several universities that did studies, seismographic scientists, insurance companies............, literally millions of different people from thousands of entities, and not one of them has broken down yet.

People are fucked in the head, especially "everything is a conspiracy" wackos

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Let me give you a helping hand, it's easy to see where a conspiracy wacko is going.

There were literally thousands and thousands of eyewitness accounts. Releases were made with peoples' names and locations and purpose for being where they were. Although back in the day, it would be buried on page 5 of search hits, the first 4 pages being wackos saying there were no eyewitnesses. Some sort of self intoxicating poppycock they all swallow.

People were outside walking, looking out the windows of their offices or hotel rooms in large part because of the noise a low flying plane was making, stuck in traffic on their morning commute......, they all saw a low flying commercial airline followed by a large explosion shortly thereafter. Not one eyewitness saw this commercial airline pullup and fly away. They would all have to be part of the conspiracy.

People on board were on their cell phones with loved ones describing what was going on and where they were, including low flying through DC. 54 passengers died, excluding the hijackers. Their families, friends, colleagues, neighbors all mourned their deaths. They too would all have to be part of the wackos' conspiracies

Forensic engineers reconstructed the approach, the damage, the hole in the pentagon, and they concluded a commercial jet hit the pentagon. they too would have to be part of the conspiracy.

The conspiracy also includes first responders, our military, the CIA, our government, our media, the airlines, air traffic controllers, foreign governments, foreign intelligence agencies, foreign media, scientists, leading researchers, several universities that did studies, seismographic scientists, insurance companies............, literally millions of different people from thousands of entities, and not one of them has broken down yet.

People are fucked in the head, especially "everything is a conspiracy" wackos
Ok DuhWillch

Then why wont they just release the videos?
What are they trying to cover up?

You making up how many eye witnesses there actually were at the pentagon , "thousands and thousands of witnesses" and then exaggerating how many people , "millions" you say, would have to be in on it is very disingenous...but this aint the first time you exaggerate to "prove a point"

is this how you act in real life as well?, you fool some people here but not me.

Keep reading my posts though and you just may learn a thing or 3, even if its only by osmosis I think some reality will finally creep into that demented dome of yours.

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Much easier to find the truth 21 years later. You have to be deaf, dumb and blind to miss it.

Just think people, and I'm not talking to the wackos, they're going to die stupid. Don't be a wacko

I said you exaggerated about saying there were thousands and thousands of witnesses

I never said that there were NONE and if you actaully read through them you will realize that only a portion are talking about the "plane" but were witnesses to other activities and others only talk about hearing a plane and say they didnt see one.....so

WHY DONT THEY JUST RELEASE THE VIDEOS and shut us all up on the matter.

Like I said DuhWillch you are legend at the RX and you will always have a place on the bench...you have already chosen to go to your grave an ignorant fuck


Stick to your bread and butter of LIBS SUCK and Sports Opinions posts
and leave the research and heavy lifting to people who know what they are doing.

The VAX is taking a big enough toll on what is left of your brain pal...just looking out for ya.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
The New York Yankees and Tampa Bay Rays used their social media accounts to spread information about how gun violence affects American life.
I wonder if the Yanks or Rays told their fans about THESE gun violence facts


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