XXII closes 5.11.....500k vol.........Big players want in at lowest poss. cost IMO...
Hang tight Matty Matt!!
NYSE not very nice opening week.....xxii closes $4.60......over 1.1mil volume....$4.40-$5.00 range today. They may push it back to the $3.00's next week and scare the weak hands...its in the Big league's now!
This is a long term play. I am sure you did your DD before committing the funds to this stock. If you are concerned with quick buck return, XXII is a wrong investment to be in.
Paper losses will happen and they are expected any time you invest in the volatile young company. If you are worried about the high % short term paper losses, investing in XXII right now may not be a good idea. Again, this is a long term play. You need to focus on the big picture and on the IP and technology XXII has. If you believe in the company's technology then you will park your money here and not touch your shares for 2-3 years. This is how long it will take for XXII to establish business presence, build the brands, and get any traction with FDA on the Brand A/B cigarettes.
Freaking out right now about the S/P movements would be equivalent to people pulling money from Microsoft after first Windows system had a crash.
Management is highly intelligent, 2 Harvard, Brown, summa cum laude UB..... off the pink to the NYSE in less than 2.5 years as first documented here!
Our family is long! Enjoy