XS Sports Picks 2021 MLB Power Side & Total Blowout Winners


Your Bookies Worest Enemy
Sep 27, 2009
XS Sports Picks Weekend Results

Not one of my better weekends as the public bettors (the one that only play huge ML) won at a higher percentage only to make very small return. Sharpe gambler are long term winners and from time to time give smaller profit back as they win big long term! Here are my results...

Friday 0-3 -$10,090

2 Baltimore +210 (Lost)

3 St Louis -1.5 -103 (Lost)

4 San Francisco -125 (Lost)

Saturday 0-3 -$10,510
4 Tampa Bay Under 9 -109 (Lost)

3 Colorado Over 11.5 -105 (Lost)

3 Minnesota +1.5 +105 (Lost)

Sunday 2-3 (-$3,000)4 LA Angels +118 (Lost)

4 Chicago White Sox +118 (Lost)

4 Detroit under 10 +100 (Winner 8 Runs)

4 Pittsburgh Over 8.5 +105 (Lost 3 Runs)

5 Miami Under 9 -110 (Blowout Winner 4 Runs)


Your Bookies Worest Enemy
Sep 27, 2009
XS Sports Picks Prices:

MLB 1 day = $15

30 days = $200


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Cash App send funds to the following email address -



Your Bookies Worest Enemy
Sep 27, 2009
Here a story that will help you understand further...

I was 18 and I knew my dad did this for a living but I didn't understand how come my dad lost 10 days in a row. My dad taught me about quarters. I learned losing streaks do happen. Anyone who bets has losing streaks. I will be honest in saying to my clients you can expect at some point with us to lose as many as 10 games in a row, but you will also at some point win 20+ games in a row.

My dad handed me a quarter and read me the riot act telling me how unintelligent I was not to not understand how he lost those 10 days in a row (10 games, max games)!
My dad never flinched, he never had an emotion, he watched every game every night, and he never cared win or loss and I couldn't understand it until... he handed me a quarter. I knew the answer was dad 50% heads, 50% tails. He said flip it 10 times.

The first time I flipped the coin 10 times in order I got HEADS, TAILS, TAILS, TAILS, HEADS, TAILS, HEADS, TAILS, HEADS, HEADS. I got 5 heads and 5 tails. He made me do that 9 more time for a total of 100 games. He made me write down my results. I had 498 heads and 502 tails for close to 50%. He asked me why I didn't get 50% exactly.
He said the sample size was too small. He made me analyze every quarter flip. Out of 1,000 coin flips there was a streak of 12 HEADS in a row and a streak of 11 TAILS in a row. So even with 50% probability anything under 1,000 coin flips meant nothing. Anything can happen.

My dad went on to say its the same with his picks.
He can lose 10 games in a row but he knows his success of winning over 1,000+ games is guaranteed, just like this year 2021, just like last year 2020, just like last year 2019, just like 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, and 2011. He had losing years in 2010 51.2% (you have to hit above 52% because of juice) and he was 49.78% in 2009.

My dad never had a social media, an email, or any of that and neither did our family friend Billy Walters. What I am telling you is that Michael Jordan missed A LOT OF shots, A LOT OF GAME WINNING SHOTS, but we don't remember that. So am I because of the system developed by my fathers team that puts us on the side of the game that the sportsbooks/casinos need to cover so they don't have to pay out more wagers than they collected from.

This years Super Bowl one of the sportsbook managers told me at his book 90% of sports bettors had Kansas City Chiefs Money-Line and he is a smaller book but 1.9 million dollars more was bet on the Chiefs than the Bucs and his book would shut down if the Bucs didn't cover. While every handicapper, square, and the public had Chiefs we cashed our largest wager ever and had the easiest win ever on our biggest game all year.

The casino has to win those games, but besides the Super Bowl individual days don't matter. We are 10-3 in the Super Bowl (side) and 7-3 (total). We are 55% this year OVERALL and have made over $500,000 dollars because of our sophisticated dime system which allows us to have winning weeks and months when we hit below 50%.

We won't win every game just like Michael Jordan didn't hit every shot or the
best professional sports bettor Billy Walters lost 43% of his bets but we will every year because this is investing. If you don't use our money management exactly you will lose your bankroll every time. If you use any other handicapper you will lose your bankroll every time. If you play your own games you will all your bankroll every time.

William, who calls me once a month to let me know how much he is up with me. He signed up January 1 for a Year for with a $5,000 bankroll and I gave him 50% off the $1,000 discounted year for $500. He called after last nights loss and told me he was up $722.50 for the year - the $500 he paid me. He was up $222.50 in 8 months. I said Jake you've barely made $200 in 8 months why are you happy? Jake said because I have worked with 37 handicappers in 10 years and I have always lost my entire bankroll with them in under 90 days. I have my whole bankroll left and I've made $200 I couldn't be happier.

The crazy thing for me is if you are worried about a couple losses you didn't read my money management or my warning that I pay my email server to send to you every 7 days. NO CLIENT WHO STARTED WITH US JANUARY 1, 2021 IS DOWN MONEY. THEY ARE ALL UP 100%, PERIOD. Except the ones who didn't follow money management, played other cappers games, or played there own. Let me finish with story of my ex wife.

While my dad was still CEO before I took the 50% partner position with my new partner Dave Synder and I ran my own service that was not very successful. I didn't have the insider information, contacts, and data that my dad had. Anyways, my first month in January of 2011 with my own service a 21 years old I went 48% for the month and made $0 of revenue because my bets didn't win and no client paid me for losing.

My now ex wife said I want to do the first week of February because we are broke and I cand do better. I let her choose the top play a day in February of 2011 and she immediately hit 15 in a row. She made us a ton of money and she wanted the full time job. I immediately took my job back before I let her pick any more games (she picked what color jersey she liked more and which team she thought had sexier players). Why did I make her stop? I remembered the quarter.

This actually caused the divorce to my first ex wife. I am getting married February 2022 and I have my first son due Christmas 2021. I have 5 daughters and a son on the way and am working on my 3rd marriage. The first wife want to prove she could keep doing it using her strategy. At the end of 2011 my first year as a handicapper from January 2011 to January 2012 I hit 54% for a winning year. The ex wife who hit 15 in a row went 39%.

You CAN NOT JUDGE anything under 500-1,000 games. I taught this to a buddy and he said his quarter hit heads 49 times in a row one time. The good news, our quarter probability is 55% and not 50%. We are guaranteed to WIN every year. Not every day, week, or month.

We have had 6 winning months and 2 losing months this year. My dad averaged 9 of 12 winning months and 35 of 52 weeks. The best news about our clients. After a year with us, they don't need us. They learn the system. If you still don't understand winning and losing streaks you have a long way to go!



Your Bookies Worest Enemy
Sep 27, 2009
XS Sports Picks Prices:

MLB 1 day = $15

30 days = $200


Simply using
Cash App send funds to the following email address -



Your Bookies Worest Enemy
Sep 27, 2009
Winner making winner out of the non believers

MLB 1 day = $15

30 days = $200


Simply using either
Cash App send funds to the following email address -




Your Bookies Worest Enemy
Sep 27, 2009
XS Sports Picks

Monday 1-3 (


2 Oakland -1.5 +157 (Lost)

3 Oakland -125 (Lost)

3 Colorado +113 (Lost)

3 Kansas City Under 9 (Winner 8 Runs)

Tuesday 2-1 (
67%) +$5,040


4 Seattle +126 (Blowout Winner 5-1)

3 Philadelphia +104 (Lost)

3 NY Mets Under 8.5 -111 (Winner 8 Runs)



Your Bookies Worest Enemy
Sep 27, 2009
Here a story that will help you understand further...

I was 18 and I knew my dad did this for a living but I didn't understand how come my dad lost 10 days in a row. My dad taught me about quarters. I learned losing streaks do happen. Anyone who bets has losing streaks. I will be honest in saying to my clients you can expect at some point with us to lose as many as 10 games in a row, but you will also at some point win 20+ games in a row.

My dad handed me a quarter and read me the riot act telling me how unintelligent I was not to not understand how he lost those 10 days in a row (10 games, max games)!
My dad never flinched, he never had an emotion, he watched every game every night, and he never cared win or loss and I couldn't understand it until... he handed me a quarter. I knew the answer was dad 50% heads, 50% tails. He said flip it 10 times.

The first time I flipped the coin 10 times in order I got HEADS, TAILS, TAILS, TAILS, HEADS, TAILS, HEADS, TAILS, HEADS, HEADS. I got 5 heads and 5 tails. He made me do that 9 more time for a total of 100 games. He made me write down my results. I had 498 heads and 502 tails for close to 50%. He asked me why I didn't get 50% exactly.
He said the sample size was too small. He made me analyze every quarter flip. Out of 1,000 coin flips there was a streak of 12 HEADS in a row and a streak of 11 TAILS in a row. So even with 50% probability anything under 1,000 coin flips meant nothing. Anything can happen.

My dad went on to say its the same with his picks.
He can lose 10 games in a row but he knows his success of winning over 1,000+ games is guaranteed, just like this year 2021, just like last year 2020, just like last year 2019, just like 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, and 2011. He had losing years in 2010 51.2% (you have to hit above 52% because of juice) and he was 49.78% in 2009.

My dad never had a social media, an email, or any of that and neither did our family friend Billy Walters. What I am telling you is that Michael Jordan missed A LOT OF shots, A LOT OF GAME WINNING SHOTS, but we don't remember that. So am I because of the system developed by my fathers team that puts us on the side of the game that the sportsbooks/casinos need to cover so they don't have to pay out more wagers than they collected from.

This years Super Bowl one of the sportsbook managers told me at his book 90% of sports bettors had Kansas City Chiefs Money-Line and he is a smaller book but 1.9 million dollars more was bet on the Chiefs than the Bucs and his book would shut down if the Bucs didn't cover. While every handicapper, square, and the public had Chiefs we cashed our largest wager ever and had the easiest win ever on our biggest game all year.

The casino has to win those games, but besides the Super Bowl individual days don't matter. We are 10-3 in the Super Bowl (side) and 7-3 (total). We are 55% this year OVERALL and have made over $500,000 dollars because of our sophisticated dime system which allows us to have winning weeks and months when we hit below 50%.

We won't win every game just like Michael Jordan didn't hit every shot or the
best professional sports bettor Billy Walters lost 43% of his bets but we will every year because this is investing. If you don't use our money management exactly you will lose your bankroll every time. If you use any other handicapper you will lose your bankroll every time. If you play your own games you will all your bankroll every time.

William, who calls me once a month to let me know how much he is up with me. He signed up January 1 for a Year for with a $5,000 bankroll and I gave him 50% off the $1,000 discounted year for $500. He called after last nights loss and told me he was up $722.50 for the year - the $500 he paid me. He was up $222.50 in 8 months. I said Jake you've barely made $200 in 8 months why are you happy? Jake said because I have worked with 37 handicappers in 10 years and I have always lost my entire bankroll with them in under 90 days. I have my whole bankroll left and I've made $200 I couldn't be happier.

The crazy thing for me is if you are worried about a couple losses you didn't read my money management or my warning that I pay my email server to send to you every 7 days. NO CLIENT WHO STARTED WITH US JANUARY 1, 2021 IS DOWN MONEY. THEY ARE ALL UP 100%, PERIOD. Except the ones who didn't follow money management, played other cappers games, or played there own. Let me finish with story of my ex wife.

While my dad was still CEO before I took the 50% partner position with my new partner Dave Synder and I ran my own service that was not very successful. I didn't have the insider information, contacts, and data that my dad had. Anyways, my first month in January of 2011 with my own service a 21 years old I went 48% for the month and made $0 of revenue because my bets didn't win and no client paid me for losing.

My now ex wife said I want to do the first week of February because we are broke and I cand do better. I let her choose the top play a day in February of 2011 and she immediately hit 15 in a row. She made us a ton of money and she wanted the full time job. I immediately took my job back before I let her pick any more games (she picked what color jersey she liked more and which team she thought had sexier players). Why did I make her stop? I remembered the quarter.

This actually caused the divorce to my first ex wife. I am getting married February 2022 and I have my first son due Christmas 2021. I have 5 daughters and a son on the way and am working on my 3rd marriage. The first wife want to prove she could keep doing it using her strategy. At the end of 2011 my first year as a handicapper from January 2011 to January 2012 I hit 54% for a winning year. The ex wife who hit 15 in a row went 39%.

You CAN NOT JUDGE anything under 500-1,000 games. I taught this to a buddy and he said his quarter hit heads 49 times in a row one time. The good news, our quarter probability is 55% and not 50%. We are guaranteed to WIN every year. Not every day, week, or month.

We have had 6 winning months and 2 losing months this year. My dad averaged 9 of 12 winning months and 35 of 52 weeks. The best news about our clients. After a year with us, they don't need us. They learn the system. If you still don't understand winning and losing streaks you have a long way to go!



Your Bookies Worest Enemy
Sep 27, 2009
I'm in a good mood and will post today VIP MEMBES PICKS from time to time...

It's pays to check out all our trends for easy winners...

Ask any winning service to do this and they will laugh at you...

XS Sports Picks Wednesday VIP

Yesterday 2-1 (67%) +$5,040


3* Miami -105

3* Minnesota +1.5 -125

4* Detroit Over 9.5 -105


Your Bookies Worest Enemy
Sep 27, 2009
XS Sports Picks Wednesday VIP

Wednesday 2-1 (75%) +$1,800

Here are my results...


4* Detroit Over 9.5 -105 (Lost 5 Runs)

3* Miami -105 (Winner 4-3)

3* Minnesota +1.5 -125 (Blowout Winner 4-2)

XS rxb@ll

Your Bookies Worest Enemy
Sep 27, 2009
So Far Today 1-0 (100%) +$3,000

If you can't win the small one, your not winning you top plays...

3 Toronto Over 8 -116 (Blowout Winner 16 Runs 6th Inning)


Your Bookies Worest Enemy
Sep 27, 2009
Thursday 2-1 (67%) +$2,000


4 Texas +135 (Lost)

3 San Francisco -115 (Winner)

3 Toronto Over 8 -116 (Blowout Winner)



Your Bookies Worest Enemy
Sep 27, 2009
MLB This Week 7-6 (54%) +$3,090

Winner making winner out of the non believers

Playing underdogs may not be as good for your winning percentage but builds the bankroll faster when they hit. A skill missed when you purchase for less my friend lol!

1 day = $15

30 days = $200

Full Season + MLB Playoffs = $500


Simply using either
Cash App send funds to the following email address -




Your Bookies Worest Enemy
Sep 27, 2009
Friday 1-2 -$4,500

This Week 8-8 -$1,410


3 LA Angels +140 (Lost)

4 Arizona Over 8.5 -115 (Blowout Winner)

5 Tampa Bay Over 10.5 -110 (Lost 9 Runs)



Your Bookies Worest Enemy
Sep 27, 2009
Early Saturday 1-0 (100%) +$4,200

Real professional gambler play mostly underdogs.... and they win lol!!! We here at XS Sports Picks are what other sports service try to be like lol!!! Plays go out early so you have time to relax before the game starts!!!


5 Chicago WS -1.5 -140

3 Kansas City +140 (Easy Winner 4-2)

XS :money:


Your Bookies Worest Enemy
Sep 27, 2009
Saturday 1-1 -$2,800

Real professional gambler play mostly underdogs.... and they win lol!!! We here at XS Sports Picks are what other sports service try to be like lol!!! Plays go out early so you have time to relax before the game starts!!!


5 Chicago WS -1.5 -140 (Lost)

3 Kansas City +140 (Easy Winner 4-2)

XS :money:


Your Bookies Worest Enemy
Sep 27, 2009
Sunday 2-2 +$500

Here are my results...


5 Oakland +128 (Winner)

5 Toronto -1.5 -115 (Lost)

3 Arizona Over 8.5 -110 (Blowout Winner 11 Runs)

3 Toronto Over 9.5 -105 (Lost)



Your Bookies Worest Enemy
Sep 27, 2009
Monday Afternoon Action 1-0 (100%) +$3,000

Here are my results....

Minnesota Under 9 -105 (Blowout Winner 5 Runs)

XS rxb@ll


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