posted new blog with sched, heading out saturday, we are actually driving. 28 hours at least I guess? anyone ever driven to vegas from the midwest? I think we are going to go the southern route through the desert.
me and illini did it. we were drunk when we left...took I-70 over then down. Probably much better to drive the desert but i wanted the mountain scene for some of the drive. It was one LONGGG drive...we went straight through. Probably be better to stop a night. I flew back and he drove the southern route by himself on the way back.posted new blog with sched, heading out saturday, we are actually driving. 28 hours at least I guess? anyone ever driven to vegas from the midwest? I think we are going to go the southern route through the desert.
The route through the mountains is nice this time of year. You can take I-70 west of Denver and then I-15 south. Or you could take I-25 south of Denver until you get to I-40 but I-40 is rather boring until you get to Flagstaff.
I took I-80 past Iowa and into Nebraska. Then I-70 all the way to I-15 into Vegas. The worst part of the trip was Utah. WOW what a long ass drive that was.
Good luck Matt. Hope you make a run.
TTinco and myself will be playing in event 7 which starts Tuesday
Hey i was just reading about that event....glad to see TT got it added...
Drown the Clown
1 deck of cards
4+ players
Deal each player one card.
1. On the count of three, everyone flips there cards over. If any two people have the same card, then each must point at the person that they have a match with and yell "clown".
b) Whoever says it first gets to watch the other take as many drinks as designated for being the slowest.
b) If a person points at a person who does not have a match or if he/she says anything but the word "clown", then they must drink 3 drinks.