Funny every article about the "second wave" of the coronavirus show pictures of people on beaches? They aren't even that close to each other. Why not show pics of the protests and riots, there were thousands of people crammed together in city blocks.....
Thats because its meaningful compared to just “I want to go to the beach.” Big difference. The protesters care and are trying not to spread it by wearing masks. Clearly. People who just want to be out at the beach have pretty much given up on corona and aren’t wearing it at all anywhere
Thats because its meaningful compared to just “I want to go to the beach.” Big difference. The protesters care and are trying not to spread it by wearing masks. Clearly. People who just want to be out at the beach have pretty much given up on corona and aren’t wearing it at all anywhere
Tuesday is typically the highest death day of the week because that’s the day all the weekend lag numbers get dumped .
Only 700 deaths yesterday.
By far the lowest Tuesday total since March.
Instead of reading headlines people would be much better off looking at the actual numbers .
Here is a hint .
The headlines are much more different then the actual numbers .
Positive % is about half of what it was a month ago and that’s including these so called “hot spots”.
America is a big place .
Until this thing is completely dead it’s almost impossible for somewhere in America not to have a spike .
Bur some of these spikes that are making national headlines is one place going from 40 infections to 80 infections .
So please do your own research .
Most of those people who are going to the beaches are also the ones with jobs and are productive in society. The others dont work, dont raise families, and are a negative on society. Hell those dumbasses were wearing mask before the chinese flu was a thing.
What a ridiculous claim. Yeah the beach goers are the productive ones in society. The protesters are the ones who don’t raise families and don’t work and are a negative on society.