thought I was doing EVERYBODY a favor by sharing something I read in a different forum.
I guess not?<!-- / message -->
Good Vibrations.
A lot ot things get said at different forums every day, that does not make them all true. I have no idea who you are, or who these two poker players are or what and why they have anything to do with getting this player Clapton paid, which is going to happen tomorrow. I know this for certain as does Clapton.
Before he ran into this difficult withdrawal he has never posted as Clapton before at The so as far as I know he purposely joined this forum to get some help not talk about stories he read about other people at other forums. He came here specifically to get help and actually got it.
Thus the apples and oranges. Apples=a real person with a real problem who posted he needed help here on this forum and was assisted immediately. Oranges=two unknown persons who have yet to come forward and ask for help and remain unknown to everyone here at The except you. Feel free to send them my way if they are waiting for withdrawals and I will be glad to see what I can do for them. I cannot help get players from 2+2 unbanned from any poker rooms.
Do not tell them to email me first - have them create Rx user names and register here then post their stories so we don't get go2guy upset by helping them the wrong way.
Not against an advertiser you don't! Bad for business. Contact Wil first so everyone is in the dark
Go2Guy, if you think you can get players paid any better than I can why don't you go into the business. If I understand what you are trying to say it is I get a player paid but I am trying to hide something somehow.
In case you didn't notice this thread has been right here on this forum since it first appeared. You bet I ask players to contact me in threads like this one if they have a problem with one of our sponsors, is there a better way to get them some help? Ask Clapton if I ever once mentioned in any of our emails to not post any details on our forums.
The one good thing to come out of this is a player asked for help, received it and is now being paid. That was the sole purpose of the thread, there never was any attempt to keep anyone in the dark, not to mislead anyone, or hide anything at all.
I worked dam hard to help Clapton get his money ASAP and he knows it, and appreciates it.
I'm sorry if that doesn't satisfy you.