Uh, nothing you wrote addresses anything remotely factual as to why Obama is at fault. Bush gave ISIS opportunity (invasion), stage (Iraq), manpower (fired Sunni soldiers) and purpose (Caliphate) to rise to power. Does it really matter what they called themselves during Bush's reign of terror? Shortly after. the invasion, they pledged their loyalty to bin Laden and became known as al Qaeda in Iraq conducting thousands of terrorist attacks inside Iraq, becoming a permanent fixture there. Once they grew to the size of a large army thanks to Bush's firings they broke off from al Qaeda and became known as ISIS. So not only did Bush give birth to them but nurtured them and fed them to become the lovable beheaders they are today. All because the drunken idiot refused to listen to his own father who tried in vain to stop him because he knew what would exactly happen as he had predicted in his book.
But whether you believe Bush is at fault or not, wasn't he told "You Break It, You Bought It" and he agreed to take full responsibility for. what arises out of his invasion? Sure sounds like you guys are making excuses and passing the buck.
Well said and all very true.
Unfortunately we have lots of dumb right wingers here that are clueless robots and dolts