Like Mountain accurately pointed out, and you ignored - you comment up here on discussion in the Political Forum, you've done it many times, and
if you deny it, you are lying and I will prove it.
Don't like the choices but B is the closest to what I would like. I don't want you to be banned but I wish you would post in the RR. It's ridiculous that you are discussing politics in the OS when you are banned from posting in the Poly Forum and RR. I get why you respond to posters in the OS when they mention you but I don't get why you respond to Poly Forum posts in the OS. You are obviously reading posts in the Poly Forum and responding upstairs. May be some loophole but you responding to Poly Forum posts in the OS is wrong whether you consider it a technicality or not. If you are ok with it, you and I have a disagreement on what a "gentleman's bet" is all about.
The poll offers false choices, I don't want you banned but you can't go to the RR because you are banned from the room. Can you stop posting? If not, you have an addiction that you should probably deal with. Harmless as it may be, it is a vice that may be affecting your home life.
Where did I deny it? If certain trolls are gonna try to lie about me where I can't respond....which is typical coward repub behavior.....I will respond.
Spirit of the bet. Yeah, like you fucking nitwits honor the spirit of anything. What a bunch of horse shit
Actually it is you that is lying, as usual.
Every single poll with you involved, shows the majority of posters despise you, this one included.
But I will be out for most of the hopefully it will calm these guys down. Unlikely though.
I know my schedule is what determines your schedule so I will be exact with you.
Im leaving about 1:15 and will be back around 10.....take a breath now and put the lexapro down.
Gentlemen bet? I'm sticking to the bet. If people post political threads up here...I will
comment on them.
I can stop posting whenever I want....ask the merry band of trolls if they can live without me. You do notice they are all here trolling me now right?
i think it's funny that Joe said "if trump loses, I will post upstairs". Nobody had a problem with that....but now he does.
Lots of bullshit hypocrisy goes on at this place.
I think this poll....and more importantly, who voted where, speaks volumes. The idiot who started this poll did not expect these results.....and they are very telling.
I must not have been clear in my previous post. There are times where you reply to an unsolicited Poly Forum post in the OS, that's the issue.
We knew he was a pathological liar, but I did not think he would welch on our bet.
I should be shocked but knowing manic troll I really shouldn't be.
But I will be out for most of the hopefully it will calm these guys down. Unlikely though.
I know my schedule is what determines your schedule so I will be exact with you.
Im leaving about 1:15 and will be back around 10.....take a breath now and put the lexapro down.'re following my schedule. :missingte
You mean the one or two times that's been done? That's your complaint. Certainly doesn't justify the way you voted and you should look at the company you are keeping on that list. The biggest dipshits here and multiple ghosts. I like my list much better. Respected posters
Again, I must not have been clear on my previous post. I don't want you banned but I do prefer these posts be moved to the RR. Of the options, B (or 2)best represents my view. "Banned or banished to the RR" doesn't mean both.
The company I keep is irrelevant since I don't know anyone here. Would love to meet some one day but I don't interact with anyone here so my vote is unbiased.
Chapter 79 of vitturd's fictional life:
Originally Posted by vitterd
But I will be out for most of the hopefully it will calm these guys down. Unlikely though.
Originally Posted by vitterd
I know my schedule is what determines your schedule so I will be exact with you.
Im leaving about 1:15 and will be back around 10.....take a breath now and put the lexapro down.