Of course I'm going to keep giving the little welching POS a taste of his own medicine - look at his SIG!
Buster, look at this logically:
He's BANNED in the poly forum and rubber room - for TWO years. Fair and square, he lost a bet coz the dumb fuck believed all the "fake news" and "alt left" websites that convinced him "Hillary will be president."
So what does the little welching POS do? He posts his redundant grating self-aggrandizing vitturd bullshit in Offshore which he
KNOWS WILL BE MOVED to the two forums he's not allowed to post in.
That's welching. The whole idea (spirit) of the bet is to get rid of him, so we don't have to read his garbage anymore in the poly forum.
If these are the slimy rules he wants to play by, fine, at least I can then stoop to his level with a clean conscience.