This movie being popular straight up informs American Males that a good portion of these people are not worth fighting for.
And what they are actually into is being chased thru the street, stabbed in the right leg then let to get away run some more
and just, fucking allowed to escape, so that Drama can go on.
Hey! I have an Idea!
how about a blond female slicing people up
We are Dead.
And We deserve to be Dead.
We did bring absolut EVIL to this planet
they were just harmless Savages
they should have not been fucked with
should have been allowed to live hunting buffalo and making necklaces
The sooner "we" are actually gone from this place
the better.
They are right
are The Devil.
You will never a
GREE. I know
The Movie is a Smash Hit though.
Move your self, your wife and your young daughter out of this country
this place is Marked.
Friendly Warning, plea for you to Save Her
Fore Yes
is as SPECIAL as she seems
if anything
more so
look into her Eyes and
do you have relatives
in any other Country?
Please make a plan to escape this place
I Love You.