It's called being in the South...
The black people hate the white people just as much if not more down here. However nobody calls it racism if a black people hates a white person. They look at it as a right to hate the white man because of what SOME of are ancestors did 150 years ago. It's crazy!
I agree with TT in that this country is becoming way too politically correct, both ways. All Dusty was pointing out was that Latin players are used to the heat. Why? Cause it's f*Cking hot where they grew up. I bet most Eskimo's can take the cold better than the Latins can. Why? Because it's f*Cking cold where they grew up.
It's called being in the South...
The black people hate the white people just as much if not more down here. However nobody calls it racism if a black people hates a white person. They look at it as a right to hate the white man because of what SOME of are ancestors did 150 years ago. It's crazy!
I agree with TT in that this country is becoming way too politically correct, both ways. All Dusty was pointing out was that Latin players are used to the heat. Why? Cause it's f*Cking hot where they grew up. I bet most Eskimo's can take the cold better than the Latins can. Why? Because it's f*Cking cold where they grew up.