

Last night I drank enough to kill a small Asian fa
Jan 25, 2005
Skinsraj is totally right. If you try to be kind and sensitive, they won't want to date, they'll just want to be friends and all they will do is tell you how guys mistreat them and how they just want a nice, sweet guy. Then, you say "Hey, I'm a nice sweet guy" and they just laugh you off. It's amazing. I used to try the friends before dating approach with girls I thought I might be interested in, but that had a very poor success rate. Now I've realized that to get with a normal, insane chick you have to be very confident, somewhat aggressive, and just play things fast and loose and not give two shits about what she might think about you.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
viking611 said:
thanks for the laugh...needed it after the cards lost me 590 tonight!

Damn, sorry man...that sucks.

brewers7 said:
Nothing funny about this part...It's about as true as it gets with some women...

The rest of SkinsRaj28's post was funny as shit and I was laughing my ass off, but the part above is pretty much right on the button with the women who are cock-sucking sluts out there...

Word. Definitely some truth in my retarded post, no doubt. Most women are seriously fucked up.

Officially Punching out Nov 25th
Sep 21, 2004
You don't have to mistreat women, although this sadly works but its not very respectful to yourself or the other person.
The keys are be confident in who you are, never allow yourself to be of lower status than any woman, This is where many men would rather beat the women into submission, rather than build themselves up to a point where women are the pursuers and not just living in fear.

You always have to remember, women are constantly testing you to make sure you are not a wuss-bag. This (the shit that makes women crazy) is genetically hardwired into them. Women have to ensure they are going to get a quality man to have babies with, they are attracted to either good looks, so they can have beautiful children ensuring her offspring are going to be able to reproduce, or they want quality character traits such as humor, intelligence and the ability to provide, so they and their offspring will be able to eat.
AS a man you just have to keep passing the tests and you'll be fine, just remember they are always testing, and women don't even know when they are testing you.

Have any of you ever teased a girl, only to have her pretend like she was emotionally hurt.
Wuss-bag apologizes "I'm sorry it was just a joke, I didn't mean to hurt your feelings" You my friend just failed a simple test of your manhood.

Sep 20, 2004
HinesWard86 said:
Skinsraj is totally right. If you try to be kind and sensitive, they won't want to date, they'll just want to be friends and all they will do is tell you how guys mistreat them and how they just want a nice, sweet guy. Then, you say "Hey, I'm a nice sweet guy" and they just laugh you off. It's amazing. I used to try the friends before dating approach with girls I thought I might be interested in, but that had a very poor success rate. Now I've realized that to get with a normal, insane chick you have to be very confident, somewhat aggressive, and just play things fast and loose and not give two shits about what she might think about you.

sadly I believe this is 100% accurate.

Officially Punching out Nov 25th
Sep 21, 2004
Rule 7. A woman knows with-in the first minute if she is NOT going to sleep with you.

Officially Punching out Nov 25th
Sep 21, 2004
Journeyman said:
And a guy doesn't? ...this is not a problem for me.:103631605

The problem lies where a guy wants sex and the woman has already discounted the guy for sex but likes to keep the guy around because he takes her on dates, buys her drinks etc etc.
Guys need to recognize when the attraction has been lost then Cut and Run.

Sep 20, 2004
kingbill said:
The problem lies where a guy wants sex and the woman has already discounted the guy for sex but likes to keep the guy around because he takes her on dates, buys her drinks etc etc.
Guys need to recognize when the attraction has been lost then Cut and Run.

This has never ever been a problem for me personally...I won't really spend any money on a woman until well after .

Officially Punching out Nov 25th
Sep 21, 2004
Journeyman said:
This has never ever been a problem for me personally...I won't really spend any money on a woman until well after .

I'm glad someone esle gets it, so many of my friends, drop major coin trying to get a women to like them. I tell them give me half the money you were going to spend on the woman and you'll feel less bitter when I don't sleep with you.

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