Sorta off topic, but not really.
Nothing worse than the token know it all
chick that every sport bar has. You know her.
You've seen her. Unfortunately you've had to
hear her too. Nothing worse than when your down
at the sports bar, got a wager on a game, and you
get the token chick, who gives a running commentary
during the whole game. It's like shut up already.
If I ever should decide to wager on the exciting
WNBA, I will seek out a female sports fan or
WNBA promotion: "Your other Mom get's in free night"
I think that it would be sorta cool to date or be married
to a female sports capper. A lot of girlfriends and wives
do not understand what this is all about. And don't show
a lot of respect for the home work that is involved with
capping. A female capper would be the opposite.
Some of the petty fights that normal couples get into.
Could you imagine the little spats, if your woman was a
capper. Getting the silent treatment if you disagreed with
a pick, or some shit like that.
I will stop rambling now.