Humans are self-aware thinking creatures capable of abstract reasoning, language, introspection, problem solving, emotion etc..
Animals (like liberals) rely almost exclusively on instinct.
Through their higher level of intelligence, humans are able to manipulate natural phenomena through science, philosophy, mythology and religion.
What can animals do again? Eat, sleep, shit, play dead...
Humans are the top of the food chain and rule the planet -- period, end of issue.
Sit heatohio, sit. Good doggie.
Animals have language, they problem solve (have you ever seen any animal in it's natural habitat?) As for being self aware I'm not sure that you or anyone else could really be qualified to say what goes on in an animals mind. Self aware is a man made term that really means nothing. To know that we are an individual, to know that we exist? Do we think that an animal thinks he is every animal? Why would they fight with other animals then? As for emotion animals have that too, they get scared, angry, lonely, sad. So that is pretty much not a reason. As for abstract reasoning, yet another term that really means nothing. Kind of a word that we made up to make ourselves feel smart. But to touch on it, what about a child or retarded person? Are they capable of abstract reasoning? And again this gets into the intelligence issue that I've gone over before. I'll ask again, does the dumbest person alive have the lowest intelligence level needed to be the superior species? Did I get everything? I love how you ended your post with the fact of "we rule the planet, period" very funny how you are qualified to make that choice. I've pretty much taken apart every argument that you've come up with. So unless you have anymore or any ways to counter what I've said that I say that my point is proven.