Zzzzzzzz. It's hysterical what a follower you are. Now using what Scott does. Never seen somebody that was such a follower. The most unoriginal poster here is Sheriff Joe.
"I know when a sportsbook sneezes"
Ummm, it's not Scott's exclusive move. Lots of people use it here and elsewhere.
Besides, it only becomes necessary to keep the conversation going with posters who are redundant and can't form proper arguments:
"I won millions playing poker!"
"Bush created the ISIS" - fake quote from a dead general
"resisting arrest is a way to survive"
"Lots of rich people drive on their vacations...Brad Pitt owns an RV!"
"The 2nd Amendment means muskets only. The founders are rolling in their graves!"
"Can we talk gun control or must we still wait on that?" (conditioned response every time an old lady falls down in a bathtub)
"BOOM! Knockout!"