I don't know if you have yet, but reasonable people here already know you did nothing wrong. Only one Asshole here will troll you over this, and he'll do it consistently to the point of boring everyone no matter what the full story is. Yep, it's the same guy who recoils in fake horror when another poster smiles because illegal egg throwing immigrants who think they live in Mexico are pepper sprayed to keep them from beating on real Americans at an election rally.
Reasonable people know the Review is what it is. Wrong Way is a liar, a guy who never takes any responsibility, passes blame onto others. Why would any reasonable person believe his side, over the guy who was wronged?
You're a hypocrite. You think it's tiresome to bug Wrong Way over this after day or 2 of doing so, yet you not only didn't you think it was tiresome to post racist crap against Aki month after month, you pathetically joined in.
The idiots who gleefully sprayed Pepper Spray did so without provocation. You are so far in the tank for Drumpf now, you'll blindly defend his thugs? Sad. I'm able to bash the Anti Drumpf idiots who did violent shit, you can't do the same with those who support the idiot. Sad. And Hypocritical. And Typical.