Will we ever get away from all this political correctness?

Feb 6, 2007
Aw He ain't so Bad. He speaks the Language Of The Streets. Both in phrasing (words selected) and message. Overall that is.....re: message. His theme more hopeful more encouraging of Peace than is found to be common within the language he speaks in, the life experience that speaking in that tongue emanates from....so thats surprising and encouraging, suggests his intelligence is actually above and maybe well above that of "his people", those being they that also speak the Language Of the Streets.

Those that find Mob's Language to be "ignorant" are likely to be ones that have never laid their Boots on the Ground in The Ghetto. Which, not to imply that avoiding existence amongst the travails of poverty & desperation make one LESSER by any means no no no but to say instead that those who have not experienced "The Street" would encounter obstacles grasping Mob's Language.

Mobs had a bit closer look than most into a Darkness that the majority of people don't see, many people don't even realize exists. Thats where the language he speaks in comes from.

Well put my dude. It's all about being open. I don't know what it is like to live without freedom and peace so I don't judge people who do know. Put yourself in someone else's shoes.

Aug 6, 2006
Mobdeeper speaking truth and knocking it out of the park.

Unfortunately, it falls mostly on deaf ears at rx.

Because he's wrong! Terrorism is the mass murder of innocent people which is based upon a threat that "we will continue to mass murder until you submit to our will." IOW you will no longer be America. You will be enslaved under (our interpretation of) Islam. The Connecticut school shooter by that definition is not a terrorist. He doesn't care about the day after, and he has no ideology. He's just sick. Terrorism always accompanies blackmail with its bloodshed.

Aug 6, 2006
GOTTA be a dumb white dude this next one, last one distracted from the Cause to get Guns out of the hands of The American Population. Even though they tried to sell us that it was "Workplace Violence". People communicating on the Damn Internet screwed that up. I'd reckon the line somewhere near:

Next Mass Shooting perp:

2311 Dumb White Guy (non-Muslim) -1440
2312 Black Guy (non-Muslim) +1185
2314 Muslim +2664
2315 Chinese Guy (non-Muslim) +5111
2316 Other Type of Asian Guy (non-Chinese and non-Muslim)
2317 Woman +440
2318 Canadian Guy +800000

Vitterd just emptied his Heritage balance on 2318

Nov 4, 2009
Well put my dude. It's all about being open. I don't know what it is like to live without freedom and peace so I don't judge people who do know. Put yourself in someone else's shoes.

Yeah I'm trying that well more than that I've accomplished it in regards to the hatred that so many Muslim People on this planet feel for us....By unearthing what I could of what has led to them hating us so much and wanting to kill us I've found an absolute ability to be "in their shoes".

Or....their sandals, rather. Their Boots...in some instances.

What that brought me, that ability to be in their shoes, was eventual vanishing and termination at the hands of the same Government who brutalized them. "Poetic Justice" though, in a way, being able to empathize with them as result of learning how they'd suffered, what was done to them and their children and also the fact that no one in America was going to stand up and do anything to hold those responsible accountable and in so doing make an attempt to stop this Jihad.....

....these things made me see that this Life...that was described to me as "precious"....if having to be spent surrounded by Cowards that would not fight for themselves or even their own children & The Savages whose Life's Blood was to take advantage of these Cowards, a Life spent amongst these it wasn't as Precious as they said.

The most true things I heard while I was here is Love Is All You Need and Knowledge is Dangerous.

Nov 4, 2009
Terrorism is the mass murder of innocent people which is based upon a threat that "we will continue to mass murder until you submit to our will." IOW you will no longer be America. You will be enslaved under (our interpretation of) Islam. The Connecticut school shooter by that definition is not a terrorist. He doesn't care about the day after, and he has no ideology. He's just sick. Terrorism always accompanies blackmail with its bloodshed.

Might Terrorism have a Broader Definition? Could it, for example, appropriately describe the Murder of what could be as many as 4 Million people, 2,300,000 of those via bombing the shit out of them then & the Destabilization of their country that the attack led to then the Murder of another 1.7 Million people within that same region via Sanctions that caused them to be left with no clean water to drink? Sanctions that the Government imposing those declared were in response to Chemical Weapons of Mass Destruction that they knew were not did not actually exist? In that country?

Might actions such as those be appropriately defined as "Terrorism"? As Well?

Aug 6, 2006
ML if you want to accuse the US of being a terrorist gov't don't beat around the Bush. Come right out and say it. I disagree.

For a long time the entire Muslim world has lived under dictatorships. The people have a boot on their throat. That's the boot of the dictator, not the US. What you have done in your previous post is what the dictatorship does, cast blame outside for what is his responsibility, and his alone. The dictator takes everything from the enslaved populace - freedom of speech, rule of law, individual rights - access to information and the press is his to control. After the dictator has sunken the society to the lowest depth of depravity he then casts blame outside. An image is woven that it is not him who is responsible for this mess, but the US, Western culture, Israel, etc. Whip it up into a frenzy. Foment anger, and deflect. This is the origin of terrorism against the US.

What caused 9/11? When Saddam invaded Kuwait the Saudis shit their pants. Bin Laden said, "Here I am Princes! Use me and my mujihaden. We have just defeated the Soviets and it is we who will protect you from Saddam!" But the princes spurned OBL and instead turned to Bush 41 for protection. It was then that OBL decided to attack the WTC.

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